Any ideas whats wrong?


Active Member
I have this autoflowering girl in an Aerogarden Farm XL, week 4 at the moment:

Just flushed the tank and refilled with:
6-6.5 PH
2ml Cal-Mag
Fox Farm nutrients, about 1/3 of the recommended dosage.
Temp is 70-75 degrees

I started two seeds in one tank of the aerogarden, the other plant only got these spots on its very bottom leaves and they were barely noticeable. Doing fine at this point. I figured it was a calcium deficiency but thought it was strange that one plant was effected much more than the other.
It does look like calcium deficiency....

Sadly, I'm no hydro guy though so can't really help beyond that, except to wonder whether you're adding the right amount of cal-mag...I thought fox farms nutes had some? So it could be that there's too much of something and it's locking out the calcium..?
It does look like calcium deficiency....

Sadly, I'm no hydro guy though so can't really help beyond that, except to wonder whether you're adding the right amount of cal-mag...I thought fox farms nutes had some? So it could be that there's too much of something and it's locking out the calcium..?
I was told if using distilled water in hydro you need to add Cal-Mag. I am thinking the higher PH, as well as PH fluctuations Budzbuddha mentioned are my issues. We will see what happens with the flushed system.