Any ideas on how to sell my indoor garden equipment????


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this is the right place to post this but the title says it all has anyone on here sold their equipment after shutting down their Garden? If so where is a good place to get rid of it?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Get a friend to start growing; give them something for free to get started then once they get addicted sell them all the rest of your other shit. It's true nobody wants to pay shit for equipment on Craigslist they are all looking for deals they can't find elsewhere. All I got was bullshit emails from scam artists in response to my ad. I took a loss on my old stuff but I helped out a buddy and now we trade nugs plus if I ever wanted my shit back he would sell it to me for the same price. Pays to have good freinds you can trust..,