any ideas on a college paper?


Well-Known Member
good morning everyone! :eyesmoke: i have to make a survey and write a paper based on the results of my survey. if you couldnt guess mines gonna be about marijuana. so if you could please help me by answering my ?s that would be awesome.

should marijuana be legal?

if so should it be taxed? legal limit of how much you could have?

if it was legal, would you grow or go to the store and buy like cigs?

dumbest law about marijuana the you have heard?

whats your reasoning for use?

does it really help you or do you justy claim it does?

should you get a dui if driving under the influence of marijuana?

how would legalizing marijuana help the world?

age limit?

thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
yes legal,taxed like alcohol would be fine, i would grow but it would be nice to buy at the corner store too, the classification of marijuana is the dumbest to me, i use for anxiety, depression, yes it really does help me, i would never drive drunk/stoned (plain stupid). can't see it helping the world!!


Well-Known Member
should marijuana be legal?

if so should it be taxed? legal limit of how much you could have?
yes, that way the government can say the legalized it to boost the economy, up to an ounce at a time, the suggested 100 grams now is a little too much if you ask me

if it was legal, would you grow or go to the store and buy like cigs?
grow, and buy like ciggs why not... although i think it wouldnt be legal to grow if the government took over cuz then they are not making money off of it... unless you need like a permit to grow that costs money or something

dumbest law about marijuana the you have heard?
if you get caught with a roach ( like .2 grams) you can fuck up your whole life by loosing scholarships and grants your jobs

whats your reasoning for use?
same reason people drink alcohal... plus i feel more creative

does it really help you or do you justy claim it does?
it REALLY helps me with coping with my shitty life?

should you get a dui if driving under the influence of marijuana?
if your swearving all of over the road then yah... but if your maintaining the control of you vehicle then no

how would legalizing marijuana help the world?
peace love and hapiness, more money into governments that legalize and tax


Well-Known Member
hould marijuana be legal?

[ I]f so should it be taxed?
Yes, it should be taxed.

[L]egal limit of how much you could have?
Is there a legal limit on how much liquor you can have? Or cigs? I think if it's legal the carry limit will become moot. The reason the limit is there is to separate dealers from users.

[ I]f it was legal, would you grow or go to the store and buy like cigs?
Probably both. Mostly it depends on price and quality though.

[D]umbest law about marijuana the you have heard?
The fact that it's illegal.

[W]hats your reasoning for use?
I enjoy getting high. Pot gets me high.

[D]oes it really help you or do you justy claim it does?
Never said it did. Why would you assume that I did? When did you stop beating your wife?

hould you get a dui if driving under the influence of marijuana?
Of course. You shouldn't operate heavy machinery under the influence of ANY drug be it cough syrup, alcohol, or pot.

[H]ow would legalizing marijuana help the world?
Crime would go down.
Tax revenues would go up.
New industries would be formed around legal pot use thus creating jobs.
Mexico could have a sustainable, valuable crop that could get them out of their economic depression.
World wide commerce would increase thus decreasing the chances of war; when goods and services don't cross boarders, armies do.
Hippies would have to give up their bullshit anti-globalization rants as the best weed would come from overseas.



Well-Known Member
should marijuana be legal?

if so should it be taxed? legal limit of how much you could have?
Like alcohol, it would be taxed, i personally think that's fine. To carry on your persons at any one time i believe anything below an ounce should be acceptable, but perhaps putting a limit would waste police time checking everyone..

if it was legal, would you grow or go to the store and buy like cigs?
If it were legalized, i'd still grow my own. Store bought would be taxed, waste of my money. :)

dumbest law about marijuana the you have heard?
"Cannabis is illegal"

whats your reasoning for use?
It helps me relax, Keeps me calm, stops me from over-reacting, makes me feel happier with the world, It makes socializing with friends easier (or talking to anyone, easier) It makes food taste like it should, AMAZING, even if it's cheap McDonalds shite. This is just a few of a long list of things..

does it really help you or do you justy claim it does?
when I don't smoke cannabis i don't get the same as what i list above. And if you were to say that cannabis is a placebo.. well give it a try and see for yourself.

should you get a dui if driving under the influence of marijuana?
Yes. I personally think if someone is stoned off their face they cannot control a moving vehicle as well as if they were not stoned, increasing the chances of destroying a persons life.

how would legalizing marijuana help the world?
It would just make everyone RELAX, take a bite out of a huge cookie and stop being so damn anal about everything!

Hope this helps ya dude.


Well-Known Member
should marijuana be legal?
of course, just like cigs and alcohol

if so should it be taxed? legal limit of how much you could have?
I think the proposed tax of $5 an 8th is just fine.
legal limit of an oz or 2 sounds reasonable, but why would you need a limit? what if you wanted to have a big cannabis party and you wanted a well-stocked "bar" or joints of every flavor that those at your party could partake in?

if it was legal, would you grow or go to the store and buy like cigs?
grow. definitely

dumbest law about marijuana the you have heard?
that it's illegal

whats your reasoning for use?
I like it, though currently it is also helping keep me off painkillers.

does it really help you or do you justy claim it does?
it helps me deal with a constant ache in my mouth, though I still enjoy the recreational benefits of it.

should you get a dui if driving under the influence of marijuana?
at some point, yes you should.

how would legalizing marijuana help the world?
tax money!