any hunters out there


Well-Known Member
but if mice are running around inside your home and chewing up your shit that is a pest. If coyotes are in the wild and not killing your livestock, they are not a pest...


Well-Known Member
A lot of the things you guys are saying are wrong. If you want to know why, read some of Peter Singer- Animal Liberation. No it's not some vegan PETA person, it's philosophy. Maybe if I have time later I will actually respond to some stuff but I have work in 5.
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Well-Known Member
To me vermin is vermin if you can kill the one with no problem you cant complain when someone does the same thing with the other one...Make no mistake they are vermin that's why there is no limit and no permit required...


Well-Known Member
Dogs are vermin too then... everyone kill your dogs! No telling what they might do, you know, like rip open a kid or something. :-? I've never heard of a coyote attacking a person. The last recorded rabid attack was 30 years ago, so why call them vermin besides the fact they get hungry and take out a head of livestock? I call that nature, and I do not purposely destroy nature... unlike most people in this world.
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New Member
The guy started the thread by saying how he liked to get blazed and go shoot things, sounds quite random to me and purely for 'fun', no conclusions were jumped to by myself or Socata.:joint:
Did you not read the post before yours? He said he skinned them out.

So yes you did jump to conclusions because you had no idea what he did with the hide's.

I enjoy getting blazed and shooting stuff to, so before you know the WHOLE STORY don't be so quick to judge!


Well-Known Member
I love goin down to my buddys house in texas smokin and shooting at random things hick style:mrgreen: but i would never shoot an animal..we'll just have contests to who can hit the furthest tree or rock or some shit..never kill an animal i think its the meanest thing in the world..animals do nothing wrong

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I hunt, and I eat. I realize that some of you folks don't hunt meat... rather somebody else do the slaughtering for your pigging out enjoyment. The diet fed to the pigs, cows & chickens is full of chemical steroid shit. 95% of the people has never even tasted what a real chicken, egg, pork or beef really suppose to taste like, nor real fresh cow's milk. I, personally, don't "enjoy" killing nothing. With the Deer over population, I get a person that enjoys the hunt to bring in the meat. That person gives thanks for the meat, in a hunters prayer. Shooting & killing for the sake of such is fine & wonderful,... until your door is knocked upon in the wee hours of the night. Never fails, they start crying to the law dogs about the injustice.... Take this to heart, "It ain't no fun when the rabbit gets the gun!". Sweet Dreams, Killer Boy.


Well-Known Member
very true south texas..we do eat meat that is killed by someone eles and fed hormones and all that crap..i never thought of that, i would go vegitarian but i am a fighter and need my meats..but thats a very good point, we are kill the animals humainly..the big corperations do not