Any hunters out there?


Well-Known Member
First...I don't want to seem like a troll but do wish to ask something of you guys. I understand and respect each of your points of view and hope you take this in the way it was intended.

Isn't hunting {now-today} more akin to glorified waiting?

I'm not a P.E.T.A nut, I belong to no organization. I'm simply asking, can what we do today with our high powered rifles, scent lures, camouflage and blinds be considered "Hunting"

And have we or do we still adopt the "Fair Chase" concept...BTW I don't hunt, but have many friends that do.


Active Member
First...I don't want to seem like a troll but do wish to ask something of you guys. I understand and respect each of your points of view and hope you take this in way it was intended.

Isn't hunting {now-today} more akin to glorified waiting?

I'm not a P.E.T.A nut, I belong to no organization. I'm simply asking, can what we do today with our high powered rifles, scent lures, camouflage and blinds be considered "Hunting"

And have we or do we still adopt the "Fair Chase" concept...BTW I don't hunt, but have many friends that do.

I rarely use a firearm, I don't hunt for the thrill, I do it for conservation and to be self sufficient .
I hear what you are saying though, it's the same with fishing all these guys showing off their catch with their $200,000 boat and tackle in the background thinking they are "pro". But if you have all that gear and DON'T catch huge fish or shoot trophy animals then you just plain suck.
The best thing about hunting and fishing is it takes you back to your roots, it shows you how intelligent and resourceful you really are. No paperwork no statistics or book knowledge, just you against you're dinner in the heart of nature.
I think the "art" of hunting is disappearing but there are still plenty of oldschool hunters out there (just go pig hunting in the NZ bush with a Maori hunter and you'll see how its done lol)


First...I don't want to seem like a troll but do wish to ask something of you guys. I understand and respect each of your points of view and hope you take this in way it was intended.

Isn't hunting {now-today} more akin to glorified waiting?

I'm not a P.E.T.A nut, I belong to no organization. I'm simply asking, can what we do today with our high powered rifles, scent lures, camouflage and blinds be considered "Hunting"

And have we or do we still adopt the "Fair Chase" concept...BTW I don't hunt, but have many friends that do.
I agree and disagree with you. I don't use high powered rifles, since medical cannabis users aren't legally allowed to own firearms in My state. I use a Bow. It's not the end result (The meat). It's EVERYTHING up to that point that makes it a soul cleansing experience. It's about the sights smells sounds and situations while your out there that get me every time. The meat that you take from that beautiful animal is life giving sustenance for you and your family. There is a spiritual connection a hunter has to all the animals they have ever taken.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever watched a white-tailed deer and then, for no reason at all, it switches directions or stops and backs up? Have you ever felt the sixth sense that they appear to have....some strange above normal adaptation to sensing danger? I have. Even with the most top of the line rifles, bows, gear, ect, it's not easy as it sounds. I read an article concerning a deer's ability to appear to have a sixth sense and even the most prominent scientists cannot explain it. So, I too hunt for self suffiency, herd control and fun. Anyone who says it doesn't need to be done is not educated about the subject ( not a negative comment as nobody can be educated on everything all the time). Stop hunting completely for only one year and watch what happens.....deer will be dying a slow starvation death or by increased diseases, ect. I have my B.S. in Wildlife Management and have studied a lot concerning the carrying capacity of the white-tailed deer. Stopping the taking of these animals would be bad all the way around.


Active Member
Have you ever watched a white-tailed deer and then, for no reason at all, it switches directions or stops and backs up? Have you ever felt the sixth sense that they appear to have....some strange above normal adaptation to sensing danger? I have. Even with the most top of the line rifles, bows, gear, ect, it's not easy as it sounds. I read an article concerning a deer's ability to appear to have a sixth sense and even the most prominent scientists cannot explain it. So, I too hunt for self suffiency, herd control and fun. Anyone who says it doesn't need to be done is not educated about the subject ( not a negative comment as nobody can be educated on everything all the time). Stop hunting completely for only one year and watch what happens.....deer will be dying a slow starvation death or by increased diseases, ect. I have my B.S. in Wildlife Management and have studied a lot concerning the carrying capacity of the white-tailed deer. Stopping the taking of these animals would be bad all the way around.

A guy I know told me a story about deers senses:
He was watching a nice white tail buck from the top of a 20+ meter high cliff, the buck was directly below and the wind was howling up the cliff at a decent rate of knots. He had been waiting for a kill shot for a while and knew the deer hadn't spotted him or smelt him. He had been calm and patient but when the buck gave him a perfect shot the hunters heart started to race with "buck fever" and the Buck immediately stopped, looked straight at him and took off. Luckily the guy was about to fire so he got his kill but he was 100% sure the buck had heard his heart beat over the howling wind a distance away.
I have seen goats working together to confuse my dog when she wanted one for lunch, they were almost laughing at her and seemed to know what they were up to.
I've also had wild goats approach me but only on days when I'm not hunting goats. So i believe they have senses we don't.
We left Possums, goats, pigs and deer to roam uncontrolled in our bush for over a hundred years and they have helped to wipe out or endanger so many of our native birds and plantlife.
Brushtail possums were introduced in the 1840's and now there are 70 million here! and thats with a couple decades of hardcore control. So if people don't like hunting for control then they need to blame the settlers which introduced exotic animals to ecosystems which can't handle them


Active Member
I am a hunter and do it to go be in the woods and relax, as well as be self sufficient and not buy all of these GMO products from the stores. I am not saying that I wont buy meat over the counter, but there is something about preparing and enjoying a meal that you took and processed yourself. I know what went into this meal, and how it was handled. Never been sick from anything that I have killed, processed, cooked and put on the table.


Active Member
I do have pictures of the illusive ”Vagina” however, showing it may get me banned! I will tell you it was the Pink breed, a little lippy, it had great breath and it was blonde!
You should try talking to girls, you may find you can get some without holding them at gunpoint