Any hunters on here?


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid my father would get me out of bed a bit early for a weekend, 530, 6 O'clock. We would get dressed in red flannel after a quick breakfast and walk through the backyard into our wooded property. We had 50 out of the 100+ acres out back. Mind you I was given my first 22 at age 6 and taught how to properly respect it and the people next to me. I was shown how to carry a gun depending on how the person with you was positioned. Anyway, when we would inspect the brush piles we built in the fall from taking our own trees down for heat I would jump up and down on those very brush piles. I didn't have my gun in my hand when I did this, it was surrendered to my father. If I kicked out a rabbit we had rabbit stew or grilled hind quarters on the grill for dinner. Lots of venison stew, sausage, steaks etc. growing up but I myself never shot a deer. I used to be quite the fisherman before I got caught up in girls when I was a teenager.


Well-Known Member
I thought about that....Fungi perfecti....sells everything you need to start just about any colony of eidable shrooms. But my area is reall not Morel country....High Rockies....
Maybe there is another type of gourmef mushrooms better suited for your area. Kinda takes the fun out of hunting them but morels are worth 30-50 bucks a pound around here. Figure if i have two patches in my yard i could make a decent chunk of change.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
JIMMY.... Morels are killer good though.....But you are exactly right....being in the woods or outdoors is what its all about!!!

Has Anyone looked into that Forest Fenn guy I told you all about....he was featured on the today show yesterday....check out his story...its pretty interesting....has my son all worked up to head up to Yellowstone this summer to fish and a little hunting..LOL if you look uo Forest will get what I am talking about!


Well-Known Member
im the WORST vegan in the world i catch n release fish.:bigjoint:
No worries. Im not big on fish so i usually release them as well. Although i do enjoy the sport. Every couple years a buddy and i travel up to michigan to fish salmon. That i can eat the hell out of.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
You get a line, I'll bring my pole, I'll go down on your fishing hole, Honey Honey....ah....I did what ...ooops Scuse me hee hee We'll go down to the fishing hole....................................................YEP.....that brought back memories!!!!


Staff member
[video=youtube;2xEQ4Zlbatc][/video] are we dynamo humming yet?


Well-Known Member
Huh I just looked up that forest fenn guy and he seems like a pretty cool old dude. I wonder if it's actually legit though

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
You would have to read his book...nothing to loose, plus it's a pretty good read. The guy is an outstanding individual in my book...his life story speaks volumes for him.....No doubts in my mind that its legit....He has a gallery in Santa Fe, NM full of treasures from around the world....And the reason I posted him on here is because he grew up in Yellowstone in the summers.....guy loves the outdoors...He has sparked a craze across the country and now its going global! Thats pretty good for an old guy...I would say! Not to mention what he did for his country as a fighter pilot in NAM.......Got shot down twice and both times avoided capture.....there is no doubt in my mind that all that experience as an outdoors man helped him get through it...that and a whole lot of luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Ordered my AR lower today. Just got my hunting licence the end of last year. I plan on hunting boar w/ my AR, but where i live you got to go out of the way to go hunting w/ rifles. I'm excited tho, I plan on doing some upland game hunting too, I'm going to use my nitro air rifle for that. :)