Hey folks,
There are several advantages to renting a commercially zoned building, as well as a few disadvantages...
Perhaps the largest advantage comes from the simple fact that the building is zoned for commercial use -- it is expected to consume a large amount of power and is generally equipped with a slough of electrical outlets, water hookups, drainage area, etc, etc. Now, factor in as many 1,000w bulbs as you so care to fit in your large workspace area and you are set for some lush vegetation.
Then, in the front of the store you're going to have some sort of cover business. Make sure it's a cash-based business with loose record keeping and you have a legitimate way of declaring your income. You will have to pay a little bit of taxes, but this will keep uncle Sam off your nuts.
Also, set aside a day or two every month to host some sort of charity event that is related to your business, and you will take on the image of a proactive, stand-up community member. All the less suspicious.
You are
renting this store; you are not the owner. This warrants the owner the right to have access to all areas of the shop if he so needs. Though the chances of a busy commercial landlord paying you an inspection visit are slim, the chances of routine city inspections (ie fire safety inspection) are great. Make sure you discuss this with your landlord, as well as the appropriate city officials to determine when these will take place. This will require some preparation a day or two in advance and a bit of work..
i have the money to invest but i don't have the "credit" to get a space.
fdd... You need to realize something: the world revolves around money. Credit doesn't have shit on cold, hard cash. If you have an ample amount of money in an account, you should have no problem procuring a lease for a place.