Any help ? plant is going light greenish yellow


Active Member
Hey im having a problem with the plant and im needing sum tips or info the problem seems to be that the plant might not be draning the water cause it dosent seem to be drying out fast im not 100%shur but the leafs are going pail light it also stoped growing as fast as it wus before and the lower leafs are starting to die im thinking about puting it in new soil since the old stuff wus prob not any good since it wus in a old bag . thanks for any help. Ps please hurry i dont want them to die !!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Don't over water. You could have a salt buildup from the plant not draining. How old is the plant? Indoor/outdoor? temp/humidity? What kind of soil are using or plant to use. Don't transplant until the soil dries a little bit more. I suggest getting at least a 3 gallon pot with holes in the bottom and use a decent soil like fox farms ocean forest.


Active Member
I try not to water them until i se the soil dry out a bit but this the one seems to have the problem isent draining and the thing is they both had the same soil the soil wus a old random bag of i think it wus organic the plants are ruffly like 2 1/2 months old. The weaker plant is now growing nice and big and the tuff one seems to have stoped growing and like i said changing collour and lower leafs are starting to die. we got nice hot days prob up to 25-40 depends on the day its an outdoor plant and i think they are in 5 gallon pots i

also i think the bigg one has lil light dots on sum of the leafs and sum tipps got lil brownish orange on only a few leafs

i can hopefully post a few pics soon for better help


Active Member
Rgg after this last lil while iv been atempting to take sum pictures i got a few even tho its late a nite but its not leting me upload them .. so if anyone might kno a site so i can bring them on this post to make things lil more easy


Well-Known Member
they're fine..the yellowing and dying of the bottom leaves are normal during this phase of the plants life. just pull the leaves off. If the soil isnt draining, replace it. They both look healthy except the one on the left is a little over watered. thats it. good job so far


Active Member
Yeah i wus getin worryd cause the smaler plant on the right in the picture wus actualy the bigger plant until about 2-3 weeks ago when it seems to have stop growing in hight and new leafs or if it is its just going really slow where the other one is growing lots in large amounts compared to before when it matched the other plant in size/smaller but i love these plants usualy i just se the end job but i wanted to give it a shoot and thing seem to be going alright havent hadd any crazy dramatic problems with these lil girls "hopefully" but yeah il take your word im still gona try and change the soil cause im thinkin that wus the main thing because it wus sum old stuff lying outside for few years opend

thanks again il post sum pics when they get bigger


Active Member
HELP MY Big plant IS gona Die ! its starting to shrivle up theres brownish lines inbetween the leafs im fuckin stumped help i need it soon cause she dosent look happy like in the pic il try to post a pic asap but i hope i can get help asap


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert but I don't like clay pots. I used one once due to a shortage of my normal ones and at about 3-4 weeks it just died. Dead.

Nothing to lose now, transplant it into a larger plastic pot. Look to see if you have some dryed out roots or something during that process. Good luck.


Active Member
Actualy there in Hugeeeeee plastic pots about 5 times the size of the old one with sum new Pimpin soil but yeah im freakkin worryd like the leafs on the big plant dont looks the same as in the pic the all lookin like the shrivled and the tips point down and inbetween the leafs there like a brown dark lines and this shits freaking me out cause it wus fine when i maid the post about my other one and thats a megga trip that its happening so fast


Active Member
did u really change the soil?, when u changed the pots? if you did im sure u messed up the roots.

lol yeah i changed the soil and it fixed my problem with the smaller plant its got its collour back and growing strong the roots sucked on it and prob doing good the bigger plants had nice roots and the transplant wus fine the plants are lookin good but im still havin a problem with sum off the shrivled leafs il make a post after work with more info and sum pics to show and how bigger they got :)


Active Member
okay so i kno im taking awhile with the pics but im havin truble getin my hands on a cam...
so lil update both my sexy babys are fems the one plant got big so iv been Lts it the one i had problems with bounced back great when it got repoted still lil smaller then the other plant but its got lil nuggs big ones been starting to give me problems outgrowing my area everythings comming along my one problem is that i got sum spider mites so if u got any tips or things that be able to help post something :)

thanks again pics coming soon!


Active Member
okay i totaly forgot i had a few shity pics frum about 1-2 weeks ago so yeah this wus the bigger plant did lil lst-ing:-P im still trying to get a cam but il get sum pics of both of them with there sexy lil buds