Any help I can get


I am new to growing, looking to grow for personal use only. I am doing a stealth grow and have been studying a lot on this subject. I have a good understanding on how germinating works, I also have an understanding on the stages of growth.
I would like personal opinions for pretty much everything, I know basically nothing on account I've never tried growing before. Ex. which seedbanks to trust, the kind of lighting I should do with my type of grow op, Nutrients to use, how to test nutes is the big question for me. (also Im doing a CFL grow for now)

But really any input would really help please!!!!


Well-Known Member
I am new to growing, looking to grow for personal use only. I am doing a stealth grow and have been studying a lot on this subject. I have a good understanding on how germinating works, I also have an understanding on the stages of growth.
I would like personal opinions for pretty much everything, I know basically nothing on account I've never tried growing before. Ex. which seedbanks to trust, the kind of lighting I should do with my type of grow op, Nutrients to use, how to test nutes is the big question for me. (also Im doing a CFL grow for now)

But really any input would really help please!!!!
mate be here for at least an hour typing u havent done no research if u need to no what lights nutes so on and so on please read this then if u have any more qustions feel fre to ask this site isent here to guid u on growing dope that part u need to work out urself


mate be here for at least an hour typing u havent done no research if u need to no what lights nutes so on and so on please read this then if u have any more qustions feel fre to ask this site isent here to guid u on growing dope that part u need to work out urself

I appreciate the link. Ive been reading and watching videos but the nutes and how to test them really stumps me


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the link. Ive been reading and watching videos but the nutes and how to test them really stumps me
well it really comes down to what system u wanna use mate from full hydro to soil to coco to dwc diff nutes for diff things u wanna do what are u planing on growing in i would go with a soil being ur first time


Well-Known Member
nutes well theres thousands out there every1 has a fav in nutes mine is dutch master canna and house and garden it all come down to what is easyer for u to use


Well-Known Member
lights well that comes down to what u wanna grow man cfl led mh or hps u will need alot of cfl lights to pull alot of herb but if u wanna say get a half ounce or ounce well u can do it with a few cfl lights more plants = more lights which = more heat that u are gunna have to get ride of which = more money


Right that's what I plan on doing. I havent looked to much into hydro. Its gonna be a little grow op nothing big one plant for now. see how it goes. I have 6500K CFL bulbs 36Gal storage bin with a reflection system lined on the inside. Input fan for circulation and a DIY carbon filter exhaust for scent and just letting some of the hot air out.
Although I don't have soil, nutes or seeds


Well-Known Member
Right that's what I plan on doing. I havent looked to much into hydro. Its gonna be a little grow op nothing big one plant for now. see how it goes. I have 6500K CFL bulbs 36Gal storage bin with a reflection system lined on the inside. Input fan for circulation and a DIY carbon filter exhaust for scent and just letting some of the hot air out.
Although I don't have soil, nutes or seeds
ill just give u a quick run down keep the plant pot small if ur doing one plant say ill do a setup for a 1 plant grow u would want about a 5ltr pot some nice soil fox farm has some nice all in one soils i hate them but very good for noob growers u would want about 100 w of cfl light so if it says 23 w =100 w u want 5 23watts get what im saying that cool white for veg u would wanna veg em from seed with a cfl light for about 1 month depends now u would wanna double that light in warm whites for flower maybe about 10-11 warm white cfls for flower at 23 watt prob get away with less but u wanna get a smaller grow space


Well-Known Member
males grow a flower pod just remember its 50\50 of male female i just set off 32 seed 14 of them were males ;)


Well-Known Member
:clap::clap::clap: Congrats on starting your first grow! Best advice I can give is just get started, then "learn" as you go. You'll make adjustments along the way and improve every future grow. There is a ton of info out there online! Just keep reading and researching. Sounds like you have some decisions still to make.


ill just give u a quick run down keep the plant pot small if ur doing one plant say ill do a setup for a 1 plant grow u would want about a 5ltr pot some nice soil fox farm has some nice all in one soils i hate them but very good for noob growers u would want about 100 w of cfl light so if it says 23 w =100 w u want 5 23watts get what im saying that cool white for veg u would wanna veg em from seed with a cfl light for about 1 month depends now u would wanna double that light in warm whites for flower maybe about 10-11 warm white cfls for flower at 23 watt prob get away with less but u wanna get a smaller grow space

Okay I understand, I appreciate that input.


:clap::clap::clap: Congrats on starting your first grow! Best advice I can give is just get started, then "learn" as you go. You'll make adjustments along the way and improve every future grow. There is a ton of info out there online! Just keep reading and researching. Sounds like you have still some decisions to make.
Thanks Ill post pics once its all up and running :)