Any guesses on how much electricity it takes to make the power co. suspicious?

My dad grew to sell in an extremely red state in the late 80s / early 90s. I couldn't imagine that level of paranoia. Those guys were insanely brave back then.
What I don't understand, but maybe somebody can explain, is how weed was even remotely affordable back then, with the insane penalties attached to growing it.

Maybe the US is just so different, when you can go away for DECADES for all sorts of nonsense it doesn't feel that dangerous any more. Where I live, decades in prison means either terrorism or multiple-homicide.
What I think when I stumbled across this thread
Funny man. My dad is a lot like him. Kinda looks like him and acts like him too. Every year he would make us put a shit ton of lights on our house. We had boxes in the garage and would have to go through them and check them all first. It was just like the movie with me helping him put lights on.

He took holidays to extremes when I was growing up. Halloween we'd set our house speakers in the windows blaring scary Halloween sounds. Some kids were too scared to come to the door, lol.
They dont just look at the watts they know what you're doing by when you use those watts. You use 2400 watts on a 18/6 or 12/12 cycle that draws attention. How about staying legal and not going to prison. Personally I picked up everything and moved to new mexico over 4 years ago. If you're willing to risk it this post is irrelevant, you'll tell a friend or give some away it'll wind up coming back on you.
Where in NM? I’ve considered moving back since they finally went legal.
80's and 90's the electricity wasn't monitored. Technology has changed. Good you didn't even tell your gf most people would have. Most people have a few buddies that would know. My first several grows here it wasn't recreational people I gave weed to for a year or more once they'd get pissed they'd threaten to call the police, even had one parent of a 30 year old threaten to sue. Yea if you dont tell no one dont smoke with no one dont give anybody anything your chance of getting caught is all but nonexistent, however for most people sharing is caring
you all really think they are monitoring individuals electrical use, but you're then posting on these forums thats pretty funny. Also they cant even prevent mass shooting events sooo I am pretty sure they are NOT monitoring anyones electrical use... also.. if they are.. heat lamps for chickens and animals and farms must really drive them nuts! Damn it I thought we caught another one of those wacky tabbacky growers! lolz
What I don't understand, but maybe somebody can explain, is how weed was even remotely affordable back then, with the insane penalties attached to growing it.

Maybe the US is just so different, when you can go away for DECADES for all sorts of nonsense it doesn't feel that dangerous any more. Where I live, decades in prison means either terrorism or multiple-homicide.
Well back then large clandestine operations, mostly in Mexico, ran the market. I wasn't old enough for firsthand, but it seems to me the rarity factor drove people to grow more than the money. As Yelawolf once said, "We ain't gettin rich, bitch. We're getting over. All for the love of, Marijuana."
What I don't understand, but maybe somebody can explain, is how weed was even remotely affordable back then, with the insane penalties attached to growing it.

Maybe the US is just so different, when you can go away for DECADES for all sorts of nonsense it doesn't feel that dangerous any more. Where I live, decades in prison means either terrorism or multiple-homicide.
Not quite the nineties, but when I first started growing in 03 prices were 400 a zip straight thru, so 6400 a lb. The only other thing around was beasters for 300(retail) and mids. There were a few guys that when I was out would order supposedly from Amsterdam and they were paying 500 an ounce.
What I don't understand, but maybe somebody can explain, is how weed was even remotely affordable back then, with the insane penalties attached to growing it.

Maybe the US is just so different, when you can go away for DECADES for all sorts of nonsense it doesn't feel that dangerous any more. Where I live, decades in prison means either terrorism or multiple-homicide.

In the UK the basic penalty for cultivation can be up to 14 years. That said, my mate got caught growing a huge amount and as they couldn't prove he was supplying it to others he got 1 years probation and had to pay the court costs.
In the UK the basic penalty for cultivation can be up to 14 years.
The UK still does have some of the retributive penal system that was exported to the US and Canada back then.

"Maximum penalty", however, can be purely theoretic, or meant to be given only in the most extreme cases.

The true perversity is in the "mandatory minimums" that exist in the US, where the judge is forced to put you away for years for absolute nonsense. Even in the US judiciary many are strictly opposed to this practice.

That said, my mate got caught growing a huge amount and as they couldn't prove he was supplying it to others he got 1 years probation
Yeah, I guess that's the most important aspect. If you grow, then leave no evidence in any form that you intend to distribute, or actually have distributed. No scales, no packaging, no customer lists, no stash of weed, no large sums of cash money etc.

It must at least theoretically be possible that it's your first time growing, you did it only for yourself, maybe you went a little overboard with the 3 kW of lighting...
Electric usage alone is not a nexus to the next ...As long as it's a legit connection, steal electricity and your chances of getting caught just went up 99.9%
Not quite the nineties, but when I first started growing in 03 prices were 400 a zip straight thru, so 6400 a lb. The only other thing around was beasters for 300(retail) and mids. There were a few guys that when I was out would order supposedly from Amsterdam and they were paying 500 an ounce.
In EU today you pay around €10/g (that's around $325/oz), and there is more expensive weed. In Amsterdam you can get cheap stuff for maybe half that, but in many cases it's more expensive, it goes up to €80+/g for some exotic AAAA premium weed.

The weed in the coffee shops officially should not even exist. A lot of it is grown in Germany (by gangs) and then smuggled into the Netherlands. Of course most of the customs checks are in the opposite direction. It's a crazy system.

Anyways, the numbers you've given for '03 are not outrageous to me. I would not be willing to take the risk of going away for many years for anything close to that price level. There must be a lot of desperate or simply fearless people.
In EU today you pay around €10/g (that's around $325/oz), and there is more expensive weed. In Amsterdam you can get cheap stuff for maybe half that, but in many cases it's more expensive, it goes up to €80+/g for some exotic AAAA premium weed.

The weed in the coffee shops officially should not even exist. A lot of it is grown in Germany (by gangs) and then smuggled into the Netherlands. Of course most of the customs checks are in the opposite direction. It's a crazy system.

Anyways, the numbers you've given for '03 are not outrageous to me. I would not be willing to take the risk of going away for many years for anything close to that price level. There must be a lot of desperate or simply fearless people.
That’s why I moved from my original state to another one, I got tired of being fearful of a 2-10 prison sentence. Here in Mi it’s a misdemeanor up to 200 plants. And until they change it we can legally possess 72 under the medical caregiver law.

As far as brave or desperate I’m not sure what you would consider it, I started growing at 19 and at that age you just kinda think your invincible. Then you just kinda get used to it I guess. But honestly I’ve never heard of anyone busted for growing that didn’t either have a fire, domestic dispute, sell other drugs, and or tell a bunch of people.
No not raids but investigating they will do that, their not dumb and in illegal states growing weed is like giving kids meth they'll want that. All it takes is a buddy to get busted and snitch or whatever. Our power company breaks my house into blocks on our bill so I can see which area is drawing excessive amounts of electricity and through what times I'm using. You take the buddy snitching plus your electric meter that's enough for a raid
not everybody has loose lips. I grew in a non legal state for the better part of a decade and my wife is the only human being that knew about it. I really don't understand the brand of stupidity required to brag about the very illegal shit you're doing in your house. That being said, I never ran more than 2400 watts of lights at the same time.
I have a funny feeling after 2 packages with 20grm just got pull by the post inspector yesterday...

Tracking says held for mailability...
I feel like my addy is fried.

Im pissed cause I slid thru tSa with an 8th & some shatter plus wax...

I was smart enough not to use names but ...I may be dumb enough to go back to the post inspector for My "mail".

It never left Co. so it not interstate...
plus, im on Co. soil...
still the usps is not a state entity.

I would have chop an entire grow DOWN if this happen in 2013. fuck the 90's...
I would have put my entire grow setup in a storage space...& played Jon Q Cleanly for 4 months.
Plug the block heater in on a diesel. And it draws more then my whole grow.

you would need to jump up 10,000 watts befoe any one even thought anything. And if you pay your bill in full and on time. Your good.
I had firends melt a transformer on the road. Never even got bugged.