Any good Soil recipes?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a good soil Recipe? I am using pre-made soil from fox farm and just wanted to know if anyone out there makes there own blend and works better for them. Thanks


Well-Known Member
my buddy uses this one.
1 Bale sunshine mix #2 or promix (3.8 cu ft)
8 cups Bone Meal - phosphorus source
4 cups Blood Meal - nitrogen source
1 1/3 cups Epsom salts - magnesium source
3-4 cups dolmite lime -calcium source & pH buffering
1 tsp fritted trace elements
4 cups kelp meal.
9kg (25 lbs) bag pure worm castings


Well-Known Member
damn, that one above me must be good because it's so specific and technical. I use Kellog's because it's local and has nothing added then I mix in an equal part of pearlite and 1/2 part spagum moss, then I top it off with 2 inches of sterilized sand after I plant for bug control and light reflection.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
outdoor soil mix recipe. just add water


Heres another good outdoors soil mix.

Base soil mix:

1 part bagged soilmix (i like Fox farms)
1 part compost
1 part earthworm castings
1 part perlite

Add following to each 5 gallons of above mix:

3 tablespoons greensand
4 level tablespoons bone meal
3 level tablespoons bloodmeal
4 tablespoons kelp meal
4 tablespoons granular dolomite lime
6 tablespoons dry 5-5-5 fertilizer (fox farms?)
2 tablespoons powdered rock phosphate

mix together and water down. Then let set several weeks before planting.



Well-Known Member
outdoor soil mix recipe. just add water


Heres another good outdoors soil mix.

Base soil mix:

1 part bagged soilmix (i like Fox farms)
1 part compost
1 part earthworm castings
1 part perlite

Add following to each 5 gallons of above mix:

3 tablespoons greensand
4 level tablespoons bone meal
3 level tablespoons bloodmeal
4 tablespoons kelp meal
4 tablespoons granular dolomite lime
6 tablespoons dry 5-5-5 fertilizer (fox farms?)
2 tablespoons powdered rock phosphate

mix together and water down. Then let set several weeks before planting.


you are so disciplined. Let it set for several weeks would never happen for me. hahaha

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
1 part (25%) earthworm casings is too rich for my blood, but you could substitute some high nitrogen poultry manure or guano there.

Earth juice also make a good dry fertilizer you mix into the medium it's called "Rainbow mix"

Also comes in bloom formula if you plan to transplant going into flower (12/12)
Hmmmm....It's only 1-0-0. The Guano or poultry manure is hotter stuff for sure.


Ok so Im on a budget with no shops around. Do you think I can get by on MG organic choice. Like the soil + bone meal + Blood meal and add some perlite? I have heard mixed things about it.


Well-Known Member
Ok so Im on a budget with no shops around. Do you think I can get by on MG organic choice. Like the soil + bone meal + Blood meal and add some perlite? I have heard mixed things about it.
Dude dont use MG
buy something else
do NOT get soil that has ferts / extended release ferts, it will extended kill your plants at about 2-3 weeks, or atleast burn the shit out of em before you know it.

Here is what I use
worm casting are great, cant use too much. they are costly, $2 per pound for me.
make sure it has perlite andor vercumlite.
again dont use MG, it's for suckers, they are far from organic btw (even their "organic" line)

