Here is what I like to do with my trimmings, its quick, simple and makes alot of great Keef
Step one, make sure your trimming are completly dry (crispy to the touch)
Fill a mason jar about 1/3 - 1/2 full of trimming
Place 2-3 nickels in jar with trimmings (nickels work best as they have a smooth edge and are heavy)
Stretch TWO layers of panty hose over the top of the mason jar (stretch tighly, use two single layers of panty hose) and use the lid ring to keep the panty hose stretched tight....if you dont have the lid ring, use rubberbands or tape
Turn over jar and gently shake trimming/nickels over a smooth flat surface (you want atleast 2 sq feet of space to shake on)
The nickels knock off the keef and it will pass by the panty hose.
Once you see the Keef comming out of the panty hose and onto the surface area stop and use a scraper (cedit card works well) scrape your keef to the center, (scrape an area several feet from where you were shaking as this keef will spread out) if you have good trimming you can get a nice pile of keef in just a minute or less of shaking. Once the keef starts to get a green tint you need to replace the timmings. I can usally get several good piles of keef from one jar.
I use to make bubble hash, butter and other things, but this method is just to easy and the results are great.
Enjoy: Stlmatt