It's part of the first pass system that process many of our drugs in our liver. Do a google search it's interesting and you may see more information about how you generally handle medications. You actually have a more efficient system, so good for you! Anyway smoking/vaping cannabis bypasses that 'filter'. That's my problem with people who generalize the FDA GRAS (generally recognized as safe) designation for things taken by mouth to smoked or vaped which initially bypasses our liver for uptake.
Mode of Administration matters. I'm glad I could help.
This thread makes me sad solely for the fact that edibles do not ever seem to work no matter how much I try.. seems so fun to blast to the moon like when you first started smoking haha.
I actually saw a grow shop that carried gummy making kits, may be able to find some at one of your local shops! Or someone else here more experienced will probably be able to give you some pointers haha.
I've made oil and I make butter regularly. Never made gummies because butter is easy, cheap and if you want to make it into something, go from there (brownies, whatever).