Any feedback on LP experiences?


Well-Known Member
That's a real shame about Tilray - although for this first instalment I will stick with them, because I don't think there is a lot of other choice for me. Plus I am TERRIBLE at waiting...
Sooner, rather than later, there will be so many competing LP's that people are going to be practically giving it away in order to corner the growing market.

Just gotta be patient I guess. Fuck - I am NOT. hahaha


Well-Known Member
I guess "a lot" of extra work may have been an exaggeration...but more than if my application was all peachy from the get-go.


Well-Known Member
Well, unfortunately I can't just go to a Dr. I have been on a wait-list for a family Dr for almost a year now. I know, with great certainty, that the walk-in Dr that talks to me for less than 2 mins when he re-fills my prescriptions will NOT give me a Medical marijuana prescription. It says "no narcotics are prescribed here" at just about every walk-in clinic in Thunder Bay.
So I looked on the interweb, and the first place I saw was "Medical Marijuana Services", MMS. They told me what to do.
Yes, I pick my Licensed Provider. But I had to tell them at MMS twice., because the first time when I picked "Mettrum" they were out.
Whew...same page?


Well-Known Member
Well, unfortunately I can't just go to a Dr. I have been on a wait-list for a family Dr for almost a year now. I know, with great certainty, that the walk-in Dr that talks to me for less than 2 mins when he re-fills my prescriptions will NOT give me a Medical marijuana prescription. It says "no narcotics are prescribed here" at just about every walk-in clinic in Thunder Bay.
So I looked on the interweb, and the first place I saw was "Medical Marijuana Services", MMS. They told me what to do.
Yes, I pick my Licensed Provider. But I had to tell them at MMS twice., because the first time when I picked "Mettrum" they were out.
Whew...same page?
I think you misunderstood.
I understand that MMS is hooking you up with a doctor, but what does your choice of LP have to do with anything?
All you want from MMS is the medical document from a skype doctor.
Why would you have to pick an LP prior to seeing the skype docotr?


Well-Known Member
Because I had to give the dr a form to sign, and the form has to be from the LP I picked.

I think...I really don't know. It has been one week and 1 day since I started looking into this. They had instructions on their website (which were very funny to me because there were one million check-lists and it seemed like it catered to someone who may have smoked a left-handed cigarette first). I just followed those...haha


Active Member
I JUST signed up with Tilray, and I really like it because you could do the application online and you only needed to print off or send one form.

Mettrum is currently out, or they were today.

I was thinking about using the Whistler one, but they only had 4 strains available and Tilray seemed to have more.

I also found the "Medical Marijuana Services" very helpful, and the people that work there are just fantastically nice and very patient.

I'm going through the same thing, only started this process a week ago.

Good luck!

how much did you pay for script with medical marijuana services


Well-Known Member
Actually, and it's a little embarrassing, I did not know one single thing about Medical Marijuana before Friday the 13th. I actually thought MMS was the government! haha

But, 8 days later, I feel enlightened. I'm like a sponge - it's great!


Well-Known Member
Because I had to give the dr a form to sign, and the form has to be from the LP I picked.

I think...I really don't know. It has been one week and 1 day since I started looking into this. They had instructions on their website (which were very funny to me because there were one million check-lists and it seemed like it catered to someone who may have smoked a left-handed cigarette first). I just followed those...haha
Now we are starting to get on the same page.

The skype doctor has those forms in his or her office, you don't have to give it to the doctor.

The medical document can be generic, it doesn't have to be LP specific.

I didn't know the MMS check list was so involved.

Thanks for the information.


Well-Known Member
That, I have NO IDEA about. But, on August 1st, I plan on being quite informed. I'll get back to you on that...


Well-Known Member
That, I have NO IDEA about. But, on August 1st, I plan on being quite informed. I'll get back to you on that...
Jessica, you really should have an idea if you are promoting MMS.

You recently sent my company an email. I would refrain from including your last name and phone number until you know who you are dealing with. Perhaps wait until you are working for them. Not knowing their policies and not being able to answer questions reflects poorly on MMS.

Just trying to help...


Well-Known Member
Why thank you for your advice, I currently am NOT working for them. I am still working for a catering company until the end of July.

Actually, forums like this are one of the resources I am using to gain information. Its' only been 8 days...think how much more I will know in a month!

I have been trying to answer questions on here from the point of view of a customer, because that is all I am at the current time. I'm a MMS customer, and I would be writing the exact same things here if I didn't get a job offer.

It may sound like shameless promotion considering I am going to start working with them in the future. But it was my experience with them as a consumer that lead me to seek emploement. It sounded like a place I would love to work.

I do appreciate the advice. I'm still very spongie!


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, I had hear about your company from a friend. I know I'm being a bit of an eager beaver, because I have not signed anything, nothing is in writing, none of that. But I'm just very excited about all of this. It's opened up a new world to me - and I'm just so happy to be here!

Thank you


Well-Known Member
And, even if things don't pan out with a career at MMS, I'm not going to stop with this. I feel involved now. Both for my own health and my desire to help others. It's really a great's been a long time since I felt this way.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, I had hear about your company from a friend. I know I'm being a bit of an eager beaver, because I have not signed anything, nothing is in writing, none of that. But I'm just very excited about all of this. It's opened up a new world to me - and I'm just so happy to be here!

Thank you
Your welcome, all the best to you.

Cynthia D

Yessica, I find making the cana-butter, then making a batch of sugar cookies knocks me right out. Mind you, I only need a few cookies at a time. Have you ever tried melatonin for sleep? I played the SSRI's game for years. The melatonin helped a lot. Took about a week to get my own sleep patterns back. You can buy it at the drug store, it's not expensive at all. It's all natural, as our bodies already produce melatonin on it's own. SSRI's disrupt our normal production of it, it also disrupts a shit ton of other things too. lol ;) Bad crap to be coming off of. It took my hubby almost a full year to come off his SSRI's & it was not pretty at all. Hopefully it's not Effexor that your dealing with. One of the worst to get off of. Good-luck to you, I wish you well in your road to becoming SSRI free.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Cynthia D! I'm confused, did I ask this here? Or somewhere else? I don't even know how to "like" stuff on here yet.

I'm outta my element....I'm like a child walking into the theatre halfway through...


Well-Known Member
Oh it's Citalopram (Celexa). And I'm be here all night because of it - haha! Actually, I'm gonna have another cookie, I'll be out in an hour.