Any experts out there with an idea what this could be?


Hi All,

This is my second grow. My first grow didn't turn out so well, an i ran into every newbie mistake possible ending up with around an eighth of an ounce.

I had a similar problem during my first grow where some leaves didn't look very healthy and curled down, i thought it maybe have been due to various other mistakes i was making at the same time during my first grow, but I'm not so sure now.

I am growing AK-48 in a PC box. Its been ~50 days since germination. No nutes so far, just watering with tap water left out in the open and then adjusted to pH 6-7. On average I water every 4-5 days. My four CFLs are a little less than 12 inches from the top of the plant. See attached pictures.

Anyone with ideas what this could be?



New Member
Undernourished , watering issues and soil ph fluctuation stemming from this as well , looks very salty on the top and excessively dry too .


Active Member
Dude, Cfls need to be within 2 inches of the plants.

Not to mention, your pots are huge, looks like very little drainage. you're over watered.

Smaller pots, closer lights, better irrigation.


Ursus marijanus
That corrugated curl is diagnostic for overwatering. Does that planter have drain holes??
The leaf yellowing is most likely NPK deficiency. However pH problems cannot be ruled out. cn


Active Member
Do Those planter boxes have adaquate drain holes in them????

First off the yellowing of the leaves shows that for some reason they are not getting sufficiant nutriants. Either they just are not there, or the plant is unable to access them for some reason. You say its been 50 days without nutes, then for Gods sake FEED THEM. Include some cal/mag or epsom salts for mag.

If those planters do not have addaquate drainage your roots will get water logged and at a minimum will be unable to breath, causing leaves to start dieing from the bottom of the plant then up to the top. Inadaquate drainage can also cause root rot, a fungas that attacks the roots making nutriant uptake impossible. This can be treated using h2o2 in a flushing. Symptoms are plant dieing bottom to top and discolored roots. If left untreated the plants will die.

You want the soil damp, not soaking and not completely dry. Feed them. Check the roots if you can for discoloration. Keep those lights close. cfl lights can be within an inch of the plants without causing any harm ( put your hand near them and feel what heat is given off and slowely back your hand away. Notice how the heat is minimal in a very short distance.)

Sorry I cant be of more help.

Just my 2 cents worth


Thanks for the reply everyone. The water drainage on the pot shouldn't be that much of a problem. I'll start feeding them nutes today and put them closer to the light.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
Don't feed her if she's still wet lol let her dry before anything! Very dry then feed but IMO i don't think its under feed I think it's yellowing from over watering me her dry out very well then add a food and see. I would also add some lime o your soil.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply everyone. The water drainage on the pot shouldn't be that much of a problem.
I'll start feeding them nutes today
and put them closer to the light.
Your not listening are you? Don't feed them they are stressed ,sick and very unhappy. The reason this happened is because you have over watered so much the root system is nearly fucked and is O2 starved. There is no way those sick little plants require watering every 4 days in those big pots. Make sure they dry out the pots until trhe plants recover, if ever.
Next time less watering and more perlite, you can water more when the plant is growing healthy.


The environment I'm in is very dry and humidity here is around 23%, pretty low. I usually stick my finger into the soil before I water, and the soil 1-2 inches deep is completely dry before I water.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
ok well if this is truly the case then you have a sever ph issue either way to high or wayy to low, but tell you what she looks wet..


Active Member
Don't feed her if she's still wet lol let her dry before anything! Very dry then feed but IMO i don't think its under feed I think it's yellowing from over watering me her dry out very well then add a food and see. I would also add some lime o your soil.
Looks like the beginning of a nitrogen deficiency. As I've stated in other posts, NEVER let the medium/substrate dry out, water often and thoroughly; 4 to 5 days is way too long between waters. If you have a good potting soil with sufficient nutrition, aeration & drainage, the application of fertilizers should only be used to correct minor deficiencies if/when they arise, as a healthy plant does not benefit from this. On another note, you should never feed on dry soil if you have been using chemical fertilizers as this will exacerbate problems to do with salt build up, causing reverse osmosis (sucking water out of the roots & leaves) but as you have said, you haven't fed them yet so you shouldn't have that problem. Try a quarter strength well balanced nutrient mix & wait for 7/10 days to see if there is improvement, not forgetting to keep the soil hydrated at all times. Also, adding lime will act as an acidity regulator raising the pH and lowering the acidity, this could be beneficial if you have been over-feeding & have caused a salt build up in the soil and the pH has turned too acidic, but as you haven't been over-feeding I would be careful about adding this as it could cause even more problems...


Active Member
Dude, Cfls need to be within 2 inches of the plants.

Not to mention, your pots are huge, looks like very little drainage. you're over watered.

Smaller pots, closer lights, better irrigation.
As stated, the CFL,s are too far from the plant, bring them down to within a few inches, but still be careful; I used to do all my veg. growth under fluorescent tubes & they can near enough touch the plant without any problem as they give off little heat, but some CFL,s can get a lot hotter, as someone else has mentioned the easiest way to gauge this is to use the back of your hand under the lights: if its too hot for you its probably too hot for her.