Any experts here??

I have 3 questions for the experts:

1) I just transplanted 8 seedlings into pots. Why (or do you even have to) start seedings in cup...why cant you put germinated seeds directly into a big pot so you dont have to transplant?

2) I have a humidifier to keep humidity at 50% and I was thinking why cant I put in Seltzer water instead of plain water so it blows out more CO2? Has anyone tried this?

3) I am using Black Gold soil (13-5-5) and it says on the package that it will keep plants fed for 6 months. Do I need to add plan was to start adding when the get 4 weeks old.

I appreciate any input and I have pics of my 3 by 4 foot bathroom grow setup w/ 8 plants under a 400w MH bulb in 3 gallon pots kept at 78 degrees and 50%humidity with the MH on 24/7. Thanks all.


Active Member
You don't have to start in cups, I don't. I germinate using the paper towel method and then into my growing container. Question two I can't comment on. If it says it feeds for six months then I'd expect you wouldn't need to add nutes, though if you start having some problems which appear to be nute related then obviously start giving some nutes.
I didnt think it would matter if you put the in a bigger container but everyone shows cups so that what I did. I am thinking I will try the Seltzer in my humidifier I dont care if it ruins the device it was only 26 bucks and dont think it will do anything to the plants. I was worried about the nutrients before harvest...everyone says to stop nutes 2 weeks before so I am wondering if flushing the soil will do the trick. Once again thanks.

C3rtifi3d Hustl3r

New Member
I didnt think it would matter if you put the in a bigger container but everyone shows cups so that what I did. I am thinking I will try the Seltzer in my humidifier I dont care if it ruins the device it was only 26 bucks and dont think it will do anything to the plants. I was worried about the nutrients before harvest...everyone says to stop nutes 2 weeks before so I am wondering if flushing the soil will do the trick. Once again thanks.
Start flushing 2 weeks before you think your going to harvest. What strain are you growing Sativa, indica??
I have one White Widow plant...the only seed to germinate out of 5 that I paid an outrageous amount for...and some seeds that the company sent for free but I dont know what they are but they all germinated in 1 day and are growing fine.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I have 3 questions for the experts:

1) I just transplanted 8 seedlings into pots. Why (or do you even have to) start seedings in cup...why cant you put germinated seeds directly into a big pot so you dont have to transplant?
yes you can
2) I have a humidifier to keep humidity at 50% and I was thinking why cant I put in Seltzer water instead of plain water so it blows out more CO2? Has anyone tried this?
im surer it not the right co2.i could be wrong
3) I am using Black Gold soil (13-5-5) and it says on the package that it will keep plants fed for 6 months. Do I need to add plan was to start adding when the get 4 weeks old.

I appreciate any input and I have pics of my 3 by 4 foot bathroom grow setup w/ 8 plants under a 400w MH bulb in 3 gallon pots kept at 78 degrees and 50%humidity with the MH on 24/7. Thanks all.
i would say your ok to stert feeding then at 1/4 strength at 1st. every hting sound good you should do very well.


Well-Known Member
I am not an expert by any means, but here is my take on it.
1). I start in small containers because I dont have room for a shit load of 3-5 gal. pots just to see if the seeds are going to come up. Also, it takes a lot of money to buy all that soil it takes to fill the big pots.
2). 50% humidity is fine. Dont know about the seltzer seems like a lot more expence unless you get free seltzer water somewhere.
3). I would NEVER use soil that has nutes in it. Plants NPK needs change during different stages of growth and you have no control over it if the soil already has nutes. Plus, The nutes that come in the soil are slow release nutes and it is damned hard to flush them out.
Hope this helped and I wish you good luck with your grow.
I got the Black Gold reco. off this site I wasnt aware at the time what all the lingo was at the time. I will try flushing before going to total darkness but that is at leat 10 weeks away. I agree I think I got too big of a pot size I do have the room but they are pretty big....must have been wishful thinking.


Well-Known Member
1) You can start them in anything you ant, from a cup to a 5 gallon bucket, it's just easier to get them started in the cups and sort out the plants you want to keep. That way you don't use as much room or soil till you know what you are going to keep. Also transplanting them a couple times during your grow is supposed to help by keeping the plant growing, it gets fresh soil and more room so it is supposed to help boost the growing process some. You should be able to get close to the same results with planting in a bigger container, some just put in a 5 gallon bucket and use it for the whole grow. I'd do that if you had clones and knew they were going to be keepers.

2) just use regular water, never tried seltzer

3) If you aren't going to worry about it let them grow until you see nute deficientcy. Should be fine. Look on the package and see if it is safe for seedlings, if the nutes are too strong it could be the reason for your low germination rate. I think you could do a whole grow without adding nutes, most just think they are going to get a super plant by adding them. As long as the plant stays green and is growing you have nothing to worry about. You might just veg and then wait to add nutes in flower. It's all mostly personal preference unless your plant starts having problems.


Well-Known Member
Sea of cups! Cups encourage vertical growth, so besides a small foot print, the plants themselves fit together more densely. Less wasted light, more viable plants, more females, etc. Transplanting isn't difficult. I usually have over 95% success with my transplants.

Brew beer or something(no, not in the humidifier, get a 5 gal bucket kit). It produces continuous CO2, and cheap delicious beer. Brewing is also quite easy.

Just go easy with fertz, back off as soon as you get any signs: typically starts with leaf tip curling or minor burns.
I germinate the seeds in a moist paper towel and only one of five WW seeds popped. I paid for them (wont mention the company here) and all other seeds in the same towel were fine. I put in 12 seeds...5 WW and 7 other unidentified and only one WW seed germinated so now I have 8 plants...I still have 5 WW seeds but this is my first grow and didnt want to ruin them until I have some practice. Just a little irritated that the ones I paid for didnt germ even after 10 days. Everyone here is real cool and I do apprecite the feedback.


Well-Known Member
I germinate the seeds in a moist paper towel and only one of five WW seeds popped. I paid for them (wont mention the company here) and all other seeds in the same towel were fine. I put in 12 seeds...5 WW and 7 other unidentified and only one WW seed germinated so now I have 8 plants...I still have 5 WW seeds but this is my first grow and didnt want to ruin them until I have some practice. Just a little irritated that the ones I paid for didnt germ even after 10 days. Everyone here is real cool and I do apprecite the feedback.
Don't see why you feel the need not to post the companies name. If they suck that bad wouldn't you want someone to mention it to you before you ordered them ? You could save someone from wasting their money on bogus seeds, isn't that better than not posting their name ?
Its a tough call because I still have 5 seeds left of the WW and I will consider posting the name depending on what happens when I try to germ the remaining seeds. First thing I will do is try to have the company alleviate the problem before I go posting their name because I have not seen any complaints about them on this site or anywhere else so I need to be right if I am going to complain. But I do understand your position. Thanks.
Thanks man...that is exactly where I found how to make CO2 and I have 2 bottles going...I dont have any way to know if it helps but it is working I can see constant bubbles rising from the mixture while it ferments...cant see how it could hurt. I dont use the tubing just have the bottles in open in front of an oscillating fan. Thanks for the input.


Active Member
yea..good luck on your grow..n as for germin your seeds you can try using jiffy pellets. some might disagree but for me it works great. no joke.. i normally germinate from jiffy let it sprout n see a good amount of roots n just plant it in my medium for the rest of her life cycle. you should post some pics.. n pm me if anything

-knowledge is like sex but in the brain :-D
Here is a pic of my present situation. The biggest plant in front is a 2 week old White Widow. The other 7 are from free seeds from the WW company and the strain is unknown. The other 7 are 1 week old and some are growing better than others. I have them as close to a 400W MH as I dare and water them every 3 days with vinegar lowered water @ 6.5 pH. Black Gold soil at 13-5-5. No nutrients. Temp steady at 78 and humidity approx. 50%. Oscillating fan and humidifier goig all the time. @ fermenting sugar/yeast bottles in the middle. My plan is to veg for 3 more weeks and then flower all at the same time. I am colorblind but they all look ok to me but they could all be blue for all I know. Can anybody confirm that they are good. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Lookin good, Everyone seems to put so much into vegging...

I seem to get the same results with lame old miracle standard grow 10-10-10 and I only use it after about three weeks from sprout.

I have problems with my plants getting too bushy and I dont feel the need to trim my plants into a seizure. only seed bank I used never had a seed that did not sprout and was not of quality. I also use Jiffy Waffers for germ, always have and always will

Btw here are three pics. first is flowering other two just done vegging.

Used red spectrum t-5 flouros just to see if blue spec made a difference.Didnt notice any Hah I will stop blabbing.