Any experience with safer brand garden fungicide? (powder mildew)


Well-Known Member
Anyways so looked high and low for some green cure and well its nowhere to be found, anyways hydro store recommended this safer brand and I was wondering any experiences? Store told me to spot treat, others say drench? Also a few plants are on day 39/40 so are those safe to spot spray?


Well-Known Member
Safer is good. Spot spray won't do much. You need to treat the whole plant. And let dry with lights off.


Well-Known Member
If you have to yes. If they don't have the pm I wouldn't. But yes safer is OK on the buds. Just don't get then super wet. You can make mold or bud rot.


Well-Known Member
Spray now. You have about 20 days right? So you would be fine. Also PM wash works good after you pull them if needed. Cut and trim. Let sit in the wash for a min then hang to dry.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
mix skim fat free milk with water 1/10th milk to 9/10 water...mist plants...the change in ph will kill it...reduce your rh to prevent recurrence


Well-Known Member
Baking soda and water I hear works, I use General hydroponics pH+ and RO water, Floral spray with pH of 7.2-7.5. Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that favors acidic environments.


Well-Known Member
so a few of them got pm again in small blotches, about to treat them again, god damn powder shit!

So one application seems to have taken care of it then I brought in a new clone and now I know quarantine the new bitches, treat em and then place into veg! (ah atleast I learned something eh?)