I've never relied on passive intake, nor do I ever plan to - worst case, grab an inline duct booster fan (axial, not centrifugal) - they run cheap and quite quiet - airflow isn't much, but you don't need much with the negative pressure you'll have.
Check out my videos on Youtube for a feel for how loud it gets in my garage.
Ill just try out two 4" vents in bottom left then, see how that goes, then go from there if temp issues arise.
In terms of noise I could go with these fans instead of the RUCK ones mentioned above...

They are said to run silent, however the 4" version is only 130m3, where as the RUCK is 285m3. So the quieter one isnt going to be powerful enough?
As all the extraction is going to be in the top section I could just try and extensively sound proof that section of the wardrobe? Although just viewing you videos, thats going to be easier said than done