Any answers to my loose Bud?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
looks to me that you didnt let it grow to full maturity. looks like it needed a few more weeks. also need to dry and put in paper bags then in jars to cure for a month or 2 or more. usually the last few weeks is when it puts on the weight and get dense and sticky.


Well-Known Member
yeah yeah yeah all my fault harvest too can you tell that's sativa by looking at the bud? wouldn't you have to look at the plant and leafs? i added....plant could have been going back into veg state.....didn't want to risk it was day 80 when i harvested.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
ok i may be wrong. next time harvest 1 when you think its ready, then let the others go for a couple more weeks, then you decide whats better.


Well-Known Member
that would have worked prefectly....and i wouldn't waist a whole day harvesting .....but i only planted or continued to grow one plant. so (not to sound like a ass) i didn't have that option....good plan tho my man. how ofter do you guys water you plants? like i said i probably over watered.....i used to water every morning and every night...which i was told too much.....than switched too many too much at one time.....never learn i guess....


Active Member
I would have to agree with the early harvest..the more you water the more the roots stay up top. try watering when the plant needs it so that the roots dig for water . and try flowering for a week or two longer.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i usually use the weight test. you feel how heavy the pot feels when dry, then when you water feel the difference.when dry the pot feels very light. knowing when to water depends on temp. humidity air circulation. you just have to feel it and know when its right time to water.


Active Member
your plant is just like an animal, it will tell you when its thirsty. just give it time and slow the watering down..I have alway boiled my water and let set for 30 min before i gave them a drink! never fails me... i have fluffy bud before, still enjoyed everybit of it...good luck!


Well-Known Member
i usually use the weight test. you feel how heavy the pot feels when dry, then when you water feel the difference.when dry the pot feels very light. knowing when to water depends on temp. humidity air circulation. you just have to feel it and know when its right time to water.

yeah, but doing that seems like you have time...sometime i have ton of one week...tons of week, no time at all(due to when work comes at my job).....i could be knowing the weight....but then be all this how it feels when it need water? or when it doesn't? my work = more work makes things seem lighter....(physical work) which i'd rather perfer math or and do math....i'll be an account insuance injuster....sounds like a high easy job!:D


Well-Known Member
It looks to me that you got it a little too early. It could be the strain?????? If she smokes and you get a buzz. Try something new next time. I use MG and the molasses, but the hairs are not how I determine if a plant is ready I look at the trichs if they are amber then I'm ready to harvest. Here is a plant that I keep looking for the amber just to give you an idea.



Active Member
It is easy to just stop worrying about your plant. feed it when it is need and let it do its thing. or get a 5 gallon bucket and make slow driper to keep the soil moist...that is what im going to do!


Well-Known Member
but what about this....when i looked like some buds were 50% but others about only 25% amber.....i harvested due to worry about reveg. .....and after drying them out...there are tons of amber/red this normal? when drying you see tons more amber hairs?


Active Member
to me that is your just said it.... TO EARLY of a harvest. your budd is still doing its thing when it is drying let it go to early and got loose good bud..another week would have made that dank as hell


Well-Known Member
The hairs like I said have nothing to do with it. The trichomes are the white glands you know the sugary stuff, you have to have a jewelers loop or a magnifying glass and look at those glands or trichs as that is what determines the ripeness. Clear glands as you can see from my picture aren't done but the hairs are orange. Then you get a milky colored gland, almost done. Then they turn amber and then they are done. I've always cured my weed after that never rushed it. Some strains take a long time to turn.


Well-Known Member
well thank for all your help guys.....i have said i harvested too early....which it was already day 80....which was prolonging and on.......but so the answer is.....don't over water your plants....make sure you watch the buds with a mag. glass 100X to see when at lease 50% amber or 75% at most....put nuts and molas. in your soil...and curing.......what about that......hang upside down for a week......take down, cut off stems....put in jar for a day...left air dry in paper bag for a so for first three days....than just leave in glass jars(ball jars i'm useing, which are good for mushrooms) in fridge for a month or more...longer the better bud. right guys? please comment if wrong.


Active Member
You need to read more bud.

Sounds like you're asking some pretty basic questions that should be known through easy research.

Not to be condescending but I used to have the same questions and learned by reading online forums, books, etc. for a YEAR before I ever even germinated a seed.

Do your homework and you'll ace the exam.


Well-Known Member
it's all down to one thing that leads all the way to the beginning.....the bud....most the time i had nut burn during my planting...that's why i try to stay away from nuts......i believe the only problem i had/have is harvesting too early and watering too much.


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't use anything but MG moisture control potting soil. By the way I'm pretty damn sure FDD can Tell what it is. Sorry you had problems but we all learn through our mistakes. Like I said if you caught a buzz at all you did get something out of it besides just the lesson. No one is perfect.