Any advice?


What strain?
What light?
What nutrients?
What grow method (soil, coco, etc.)
I’m not sure what strain. It’s a vipar spectra 300 watt there’s two of them in there but the other one is facing my clones
I’m using fox farm nutrients and cal mag plus

Sadly I’m using miracle grow as my soil I will switch to coco on my next grow tho. Or can I still switch ?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Better lighting is the first thing to address for bigger yields!
You need to seriously increase the light intensity delivery....

HID is cheap and effective.....600 watts will work but "more IS better" in lighting terms.


Better lighting is the first thing to address for bigger yields!
You need to seriously increase the light intensity delivery....

HID is cheap and effective.....600 watts will work but "more IS better" in lighting terms.
First of all thank you for your feedback really appreciate it. Second since I have 2 lights think I should just put them two together to increase intensity instead of getting something stronger? Can’t realky afford another light right now


Well-Known Member
yeah, looks like you can up pot if u can get some different soil medium. Zon has cocoloco for super cheap, but your mail man will hate you for a month. Drop your light to 15 inches for a week, then to 12 inches to finish flower.. Doesnt look bad tho bro, your running 125 watts, it is what it is. You can make them work, and save up for some upgrades. great growin to ya bud,


Well-Known Member
If you’re not already, the viparspectra really needs both veg and bloom switch on during veg.. in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
If you’re not already, the viparspectra really needs both veg and bloom switch on during veg.. in my opinion.
Agree with Lund-O ... use the full spectrum (both veg and bloom switches on) during it's complete life cycle.

Two Viparspectra 300W LED's draw just under 240 true wall watts (combined) and as Dr. Who suggested, if both are directed to the growing plants instead of your clones (use a small CFL for the clones) I think you would be surprised at the change in growth and ultimately size of final yield.