any advice?


Well-Known Member
you can top dress with lime but it will take a little bit to take affect its better to mix it into the soil before you plant


Well-Known Member
Epsom salt, also called English salt (as its from surrey in England) is magnesium sulfate and will provide your plant with both Mg and sulfate, both important

my LSD strain is a Mg loveing strain, so I use a good amount of Epsom salt in my grow, I use it in the clean water in between nuts so to speak, a ts. per gallon of water

the Lime you want to look for is dolomite lime (or Mearl = Oceanic lime) as its fast absorbent but the Lime/mearl will mostly provide Calcium and some Mg/trace elements, so if its calcium you what, your looking for Lime (also good to keep PH neutral/ get it up if needed) if its magnesium its the Epsom salt your looking for

it just mixed up a bit Bc. many use the Ca/Mg bottle that contain both

I dont need the calcium that much (I got the mearl tho) as my tap water contain plenty and I have some good soil, but the Mg they cant live with out

if I use the Mearl/Lime I use it in flowering, top dress with a few ts and water


Well-Known Member
Epsom salt, also called English salt (as its from surrey in England) is magnesium sulfate and will provide your plant with both Mg and sulfate, both important

my LSD strain is a Mg loveing strain, so I use a good amount of Epsom salt in my grow, I use it in the clean water in between nuts so to speak, a ts. per gallon of water

the Lime you want to look for is dolomite lime (or Mearl = Oceanic lime) as its fast absorbent but the Lime/mearl will mostly provide Calcium and some Mg/trace elements, so if its calcium you what, your looking for Lime (also good to keep PH neutral/ get it up if needed) if its magnesium its the Epsom salt your looking for

it just mixed up a bit Bc. many use the Ca/Mg bottle that contain both

I dont need the calcium that much (I got the mearl tho) as my tap contain plenty and I have some good soil, but the Mg they cant live with out

if I use the Mearl/Lime I use it in flowering, top dress with a few ts and water

thank you sir slipon!