any advice possible

dave and Em

Well-Known Member
They look healthy, the damage to be done while separating is necessary, they will fuck each other up forever while joined. Either cause some root's to be severed and go in with a scooper... OR submerge that whole thing in water, and as the soil drifts away and separates, gently tug them away from each other. There roots are already tangled i bet, so be gentle, if some break off, its whatever... Its just shock, they can take it. Your better off putting them in solo cups forever than you are keeping them with the other girls, TRUST that. Do this as soon as you can, as the bigger they get, the more roots, its more of a mess and causes more shock the longer you wait to do it.
What do you think about foliage sprays?


Well-Known Member
There good for killing bugs. This stuff called mighty wash by npk industries is great. Also mixing up your own combo of alcohol, soap, water, worked well for me.


Active Member
Be careful with foliar treatments I tried a "organic" foliar to control pests made from coconut oil,cinamon oil, and rosemary oil and I burned the living shit out of a couple of plants almost killed them one took 8 wks to recover.(looks awesome now)


Well-Known Member
Your biggest problems will be wildlife, and insects / bacteria. Then maybe the strain if its a toss up, make sure to scan for hermie's, even outdoors (if you can get to it, i know most guerrillas cant get to it everyday like us indoor folk, or people who otherwise have it close by). I recommend killing an animal and putting the carcase a few yards / meters away from the garden, and leaving it to rot. It will deter many vegetarian animals from venturing near by (the predators of marijuana grown outdoors, ESPECIALLY DEER) . The bigger the better, if it stinks too bad, put vicks or some vapor rub on your upper lip before tending to the garden, it works for the morgue, so it works for that too, lol. Also because it is outside, and subject to pests daily, I would spray them once every week, or two with something to irritate bugs, and kill on contact. Alcohol + soap + water is a good one. It fries a lot of larvae and smaller insects (at least indoors i know for sure.)

Hope some of this helps friends.
Kill an animal to deter other animals??? Nice! Never in all my years of growing outdoors (35)have i had a real issue with animals or pests. Deer if an issue, coyote urine, human hair, or pee. If you think a dead animal is useful, yes road kill would work. All it would do here is attract bears lol. I have used moth balls for racoons, and skunks but they dig up the plant I think because they smell that something was buried never had one eaten. Now if an animal is eating your pot then cap his ass lol.


Active Member
Kill an animal to deter other animals??? Nice! Never in all my years of growing outdoors (35)have i had a real issue with animals or pests. Deer if an issue, coyote urine, human hair, or pee. If you think a dead animal is useful, yes road kill would work. All it would do here is attract bears lol. I have used moth balls for racoons, and skunks but they dig up the plant I think because they smell that something was buried never had one eaten. Now if an animal is eating your pot then cap his ass lol.
Don't have to kill anything just use roadkill if that's how you want to roll(preferably skunk).


Well-Known Member
Thats what I said. Quote Mr. Snake lol he's the animal killer lol. Actually I am about to clean and "eat" a 18 lb turkey my daughter got today with her bow Woohooo! Very proud dad!!!! But to kill something for the reason stated is, sorry but kind of unethical IMO.

dave and Em

Well-Known Member
Thats what I said. Quote Mr. Snake lol he's the animal killer lol. Actually I am about to clean and "eat" a 18 lb turkey my daughter got today with her bow Woohooo! Very proud dad!!!! But to kill something for the reason stated is, sorry but kind of unethical IMO.
Not for pest, but as a feed ppl


Well-Known Member
I use em and love em!!! I used to spray outdoor plants with a weak nute solution every couple of waterings and the plants were happy, happy, happy lol.


Well-Known Member
If you ever have to use the same container for multiple plants just use a 'seperater', or peice of plastic to divide them. You could even cut a trash bag and create a barrier between the two spaces.

The reason it's important to seperate them is because one plant will become more dominant and eventually starve the other plant. Also, if one gets sick they both do. Even if you cut one down, it's roots are still in the soil/medium and will begin to decay-this may or may not cause problems but it can.