any advice on whats wrong with my plant??


Active Member
i have a plant in a stealth grow box. I just replanted it from a small flower pot to a bigger flower pot and its about a foot tall. Its a small grow its in flowering at the moment and ever since i replanted it the leaves have been turning yellow and dieing. the stalk towards the top broke in half a while ago like 3 inches down. it was bent and not broken so i tried to let it heal. i thought it did but then when i transplanted it the top really started to just die. it didnt turn yellow it just dried out. and in the previous flower pot it was in the roots may have gotten fucked up because it ended up getting tight. the water sometimes just didnt drain through and the fert i was using i think it gave it N toxicity because the leaves were dark green and clawing and dry but the current yellowing of the leaves could be from any other sort of deficiency because the fert was low on p and k and was missing so micros and i have been giving it plain water since i found out about this.

thanks for reading all that please give me any advice you might have... deficiency, stress...