Any advice for new roller (MDMA)?


Just had my first roll at swedish house and it was awesome. Im just concerned about preventing any possible negative effects and also preventing my tolerance from building up? just any general experience advice that anybody has is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you stay well hydrated. Use test kits. Don't do it more than once a month.
Taking some magnesium beforehand to prevent the jaw clenching.


Well-Known Member
Never heard of the magnesium... gonna keep that one in mind next time. But I agree on the once a month thing. I tried eating some a week or two after I ate some PURE ass moon rocks at AllGood Fest, was pretty disappointed.

And again, WATER!!!! I saw a kid collapse right before Bassnectar came on stage at North Coast in Chicago. Scariest thing because we only had 1 bottle of water some how between 4 people for a 2 and half hour show!!!

Also, I've never really believed or fallen into the OJ thing while rolling. I've heard the vitamins help make the roll better, but I feel like as long as your drinking and pissing a lot of anything you'll be alright. Cant think of anything else as of now. Maybe have a xanax in case you start to have a panic attack or want to chill out some.

Other than that... how was Swedish House? Bet that was a bomb show


Well-Known Member
Music!! Create a playlist right after you take it so when it starts hitting you'll be ready to hear exactly what you're in the mood for! I used to love doing that! I'd also suggest some good munchies and some dank weed, helps level it all off, makes the experience much more enjoyable.

Stay hydrated, but don't overdo it. Just like a plant, too much can be just as bad as not enough.

I'd also recommend bringing a friend along, it's fun either way, but tripping with a close friend is always better.

Also agree with once a month or so. More than that and the effects start to fade dramatically and you end up just wasting it.

Have fun!


Well-Known Member
Being around friends (defined as anyone else who is rolling) is wonderful. And music.
Also I find doing it with people who still get the magic helps me experience it a little.


Well-Known Member
Got any info to back that up DanKiller? I would love to read that... And BTW, I'm not downing you, I'd just really like to read up on that


Well-Known Member
I heard that if you smoke weed like right after injesting MDMA that it greatly reduces it's effects or they don't kick in at all. I know that smoking on the peak or the comedown is awesome though. I smoked a blunt one time literally right after I ate some molly and I never felt anyway, that's happened like twice. Of course it could have been bunk, I didn't test it.


don't overdo it lol, i've done so many pills in my life, and they just lose their bang... do it on the weekends, give yourself time to recover, and don't do pressed pills--i've heard from many people that they contain a significant amount of meth and that's what fucks your head up for a week after

if you can do pure mdma, it's a really fine white powder.. the really good shit smells like black liquorice

be careful rolling dude, it's a fucking wonderful experience, but it does decrease seritonin levels and that you can't avoid


Well-Known Member
Don't drink too much water though, that is just as dangerous as too little...


Just had my first roll at swedish house and it was awesome. Im just concerned about preventing any possible negative effects and also preventing my tolerance from building up? just any general experience advice that anybody has is appreciated.

Yea Never do it again.. That shit will destroy your Body ,, I speak from a past of playing with it ,,, The after effects will leave you stumped Cause they come long after you STOPPED doing it ..
me and molly have been bff's since i was 15! i always get super depressed the day after i've rolled, if you take a multivitamin or some vitamin C (i use thos emergen-c) it'll help with how you feel after. but to be honest, molly is great n all, but it basically does all the same things as adderal just with worse after effect. just do some addy!

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Buy some 5-htp, you can get it at cvs, its the precurrsor to seratonin. As you roll your brain wll flood out its seratonin levels, saturating your snynaptic cleftswith seratonin leaving you depleated in the end. 5-htp will restore that seratonin very rapidly HUGELY reducing depression and helping balance out the indifference in new seratonin receptors and seratonin needed to feel good. Also, if you take it the day befor, you will roll much harder.. Also, vitamin b 6 will help your brain repair itself.

That, my friend, is valuable rolling information! Seriously, trust me on this....get some 5-htp

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
me and molly have been bff's since i was 15! i always get super depressed the day after i've rolled, if you take a multivitamin or some vitamin C (i use thos emergen-c) it'll help with how you feel after. but to be honest, molly is great n all, but it basically does all the same things as adderal just with worse after effect. just do some addy! Its not the same as adderol. Adderol is more similar to cocaine than extacy, chemically and neurochemically speaking.