Any advice for a lost soul?


Well-Known Member
Hello good people. I've been feeling lost during the last 4-5 years with no purpose. How can I find my purpose? I'm currently 23 and work 6-7 months for summer season. I meet a lot of new people from all over the world but every winter it is just me and my thoughts. I have SO MUCH TIME but I waste it doing nothing. I need to do something. I don't have much time. I don't know, there's something weird with me. It's like I'm North pole and South Pole, fire and water, negative and positive. 6 months I can have fun and speak with 50new people per day, other 6 months I only talk to myself. I workout very hard and eat healthy but sometimes something happens to me and devour anything on sight and stop working out. I love growing weed but when I smoke weed, I turn even more lazy and useless so I don't like smoking weed. A girl once told me that Geminis tend to be like that. It's like I have 2 personalities. Have you ever felt lost? Any advice would be great and thank you for your time. I'm really grateful for that.
Start looking outward. Look for someone who needs help and help them. A lot of times our problems are small compared to others. Someone out there right now needs you. Find them. If one makes it his mission to help others, his own problems become very small. Try it.
Besides work, what feels good to do? You know what blessed me lately? Hunting. Makes me use my mind and control my instincts, a connection to the world we come from and die into.
Find something to learn like music theory. Just something you enjoy. Engage your mind. Be good.
You are not your brain. You are not your neurotransmitters. You are not your trauma. You are not your fear, your rage, or your sorrow. You are not the family that lives inside you. You are innately divine.
The Source of creation lives at the heart of all things: every atom, every cell, every space in between. What and who you think you are is the shell around the creative Source that is your true self. It is also the true self of every tree, every puppy, every deep sea shellfish.
The true identity of all that is, is the Creative Source, and you are playing with this creative energy is profound and risky ways that move the human race forward, and here’s the cosmic joke: you forgot.
~ Alison Nappi
Start looking outward. Look for someone who needs help and help them. A lot of times our problems are small compared to others. Someone out there right now needs you. Find them. If one makes it his mission to help others, his own problems become very small. Try it.
Hey my friend. Thanks for the reply. You have a point and I always helped others, helping them more than myself sometimes. I will always try to help others and I'm also trying to help people here, despite not being the most experienced grower. I've read stoic philosophy and one of a stoic's doings is helping others. Also, I understand that sometimes our problems are little compared to others. Look at me now, writing this while laying on my bed inside my house while others can't even buy a loaf of bread. "The things we take for granted are the things someone is praying for".
Besides work, what feels good to do? You know what blessed me lately? Hunting. Makes me use my mind and control my instincts, a connection to the world we come from and die into.
Find something to learn like music theory. Just something you enjoy. Engage your mind. Be good.
I think because I feel like I've wasted my life away, I shouldn't do things just to make me happy UNLESS they will help me achieve something great. Even when I workout which is one of my favorite things, I sometimes ask myself "Why do I work out? Am I a bodybuilder or an athlete?". Maybe my thinking is destructive but I know it's because I feel useless with no skills or goals. If only I knew I was good at something, I would focus 100% on that and work very hard.
You are not your brain. You are not your neurotransmitters. You are not your trauma. You are not your fear, your rage, or your sorrow. You are not the family that lives inside you. You are innately divine.
The Source of creation lives at the heart of all things: every atom, every cell, every space in between. What and who you think you are is the shell around the creative Source that is your true self. It is also the true self of every tree, every puppy, every deep sea shellfish.
The true identity of all that is, is the Creative Source, and you are playing with this creative energy is profound and risky ways that move the human race forward, and here’s the cosmic joke: you forgot.
~ Alison Nappi
I need some time to digest that. Maybe because english is not my first language. Thanks.
I think because I feel like I've wasted my life away, I shouldn't do things just to make me happy UNLESS they will help me achieve something great. Even when I workout which is one of my favorite things, I sometimes ask myself "Why do I work out? Am I a bodybuilder or an athlete?". Maybe my thinking is destructive but I know it's because I feel useless with no skills or goals. If only I knew I was good at something, I would focus 100% on that and work very hard.
I like the way you think. It is hard to find a goal while staying positive, but possible. Keep reaching out, nobody is a waste.
I need to find out why I was brought on this earth.
In your prayers, you might want to consider asking to be shown how to meditate so that you can learn to become a watcher of the thoughts rather than be controlled by them. If you feel that you're blind to something(s), ask to see no more than you can handle. If you feel that you're deaf to something(s), ask to hear no more than you can handle.
Just something to think about, but you are at the prime age when the majority of mental illnesses reveal themselves in people-I'm not suggesting you are, but do you have any bipolar tendencies? The most important thing you can do is to be honest with yourself, self awareness is the first step to personal freedom.
I'm always honest with myself and I have mood swings and minor depression. My brother claims to have depression and he takes Zoloft and my grandma is schizophrenic. I DO NOT BLAME depression or anything. I blame ME. All this started because I gave my 100% to something that I loved and I failed. I sacrificed a lot of things and I lost so many friends and opportunities and I believed that I could do it but I FAILED. Since then, I believe that there must be something else to give my 100% and succeed.
In your prayers, you might want to consider asking to be shown how to meditate so that you can learn to become a watcher of the thoughts rather than be controlled by them. If you feel that you're blind to something(s), ask to see no more than you can handle. If you feel that you're deaf to something(s), ask to hear no more than you can handle.
Hey. I medidate 1 hour per day. 15mins focused(or mindfulness) medidation + 15mins chakra(transcendance) medidation, every morning and every night. It really helps me calm down and observe my thoughts. I will never stop medidating but sometimes I even question medidation. I will tell you my number one problem.

I feel like I've wasted my whole life so far. I failed doing something that I loved and invested so much time on that, losing friends, oppurtunities and others. If I failed despite giving my 100%, it means that it was not my purpose. That's fate, I understand that. After that failure, I got even more depressed and couldn't even get out of bed. I was waking up around 16:00pm and just waiting for night time to sleep again. This lasted for some years. I started working for the summer season and met many new people from all over the world and I felt a little better. Once the season ends, I find myself trapped. I really want to stop procrastinating and ONLY do things that help me. However, I DON'T HAVE AN ULTIMATE GOAL, A PURPOSE. I cannot find something that I like or that I'm even good at. Maybe I should look more.