Anxiety/Stress issues during last couple weeks of flower...?


Well-Known Member
It's time I take what I have learned over the years and use it Outdoors finally :)

I was wondering if any of you seasoned growers feel the need to stand guard, protect, etc... your crop during the last couple weeks before harvest?

I'm thinking of setting up a tent(Coleman, not grow) on my property later this year near my plants to be able to protect if need-be, and also when I'm not out there to scare away any "would-be" thieves.




Well-Known Member
I would think keeping them smaller and top them or something to keep them out of view, and not showing many people (or anyone) would be best. If someone steals them from you they probably just randomly found them (not real likely), or they know you and you probably told them. Most of the time people are robbed it's by people they "know"....


Well-Known Member
That's a very logical and common sense of theory.

I do plan on topping, suppercropping, LST, and possibly main-lining this year to keep vertical size down.

Thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member
Getting robbed is a bad I understand the anxiety. Truth is if you're not around 24 hours a day...they aren't secure. I agree with hornedfrog2000 ...keep em short and tell nobody! Most often you will be your own worst enemy.



Well-Known Member
Loose lips sink ships... I have like 5 friends I've known for like 15 years that know, but only 3 of them know where I live. One of them grows himself, another is a homebody that I've actually known for more like 20 years, and know his whole family, and the other is the connect. He is the only one I worry about. I've known him forever, but he is like the wild card or whatever. He is real cool to me, but if he was facing real time I would wonder...


Well-Known Member
camping out for a little peace of mind is good if u dnt mind it. Not uncommon for folks to guard there crop(especially if near their home) in the final weeks before harvest. thats when the rippers start coming out.


Well-Known Member
Agreed with everyone.

2000 said it best... "Loose Lips Sink Ships".

I shouldn't ever have to feel obligated to pop a tent up in order to feel more security. Forget the tent... I'll just bring my comforter outside and sleep on the ground with them. Haha No.


Well-Known Member
you got 420 posts congrads...
i know a guy here who sleeps in his greenhouse...
it sounded awful to me...
could you make a carport greenhouse? would help with privacy... and they are cheapish...
also driveway alerts form harbor freight..they cost about $14-17 and beep when you walk past them...
you can bring the beeping part inside with you...
or leave it out...and hope rippers hear it and run...
its best to have 4-8 of these...


Well-Known Member
you got 420 posts congrads...
i know a guy here who sleeps in his greenhouse...
it sounded awful to me...
could you make a carport greenhouse? would help with privacy... and they are cheapish...
also driveway alerts form harbor freight..they cost about $14-17 and beep when you walk past them...
you can bring the beeping part inside with you...
or leave it out...and hope rippers hear it and run...
its best to have 4-8 of these...

That's funny you bring that up. I spent a couple hrs researching "fake CCTV"..
They're duplicate's of the big security cameras but don't work and only have a red LED light flashing as its main deterrent. That's a good idea though about the carport/greenhouse. Funny. I built a small one earlier before it got dark. Big enough to veg a couple dozen ladies for their first couple weeks acclimating to the outdoors after they leave my indoor tent set up. On phone right now. Pics soon though on my 2013 link in the sig.


Well-Known Member
i don't think even a real cam would deter rippers...
they might just cover their faces...
oh,about the driveway alarms...if you request a catalog thing from harbor freight..there is always coupons making like them $13 or $14 each...
look for a thread by user 5150
there were some really good threads about rippers in here (outdoor section) around October

(5150 is the man when it comes to the driveway alerts)


Well-Known Member
That's whatsup.

I must spread some first before you get rep'd again hahah.

Thanks. I really have a lot of ideas to run through my head tonight. Possibilities are always endless.


Active Member
I have the same stress problem,tossing and turning all night worried about your babies in your yard. ITS SO FUCKING STRESSFUL


Well-Known Member
this site can be the shit...if you want to learn...
read up doublejj's threads....
I shall.
Been around reading since 2010 as you can tell. Now it's time to show what I've learned along the way from my various indoor grows and help others along the way. I also take a weekly cannabis grow class at one of my local dispensaries :) 1 big ass dude I'm gonna call person -A won a cannabis cup in Amsterdam after 1 year of attending these classes from our teacher Person -B. We have a full break down of each months agenda and what is going to be taught. January is Civics/Law. I plan on breeding this year. I already have a strain(unstable) that I'll be growing out for seed that is my own cross. I will stabilize it by picking my best pheno male & female, then seperately breed them away from the rest and should have a stable strain by Oct./Nov. It's all about inbreeding haha


Well-Known Member
I shall.
Been around reading since 2010 as you can tell. Now it's time to show what I've learned along the way from my various indoor grows and help others along the way. I also take a weekly cannabis grow class at one of my local dispensaries :) 1 big ass dude I'm gonna call person -A won a cannabis cup in Amsterdam after 1 year of attending these classes from our teacher Person -B. We have a full break down of each months agenda and what is going to be taught. January is Civics/Law. I plan on breeding this year. I already have a strain(unstable) that I'll be growing out for seed that is my own cross. I will stabilize it by picking my best pheno male & female, then seperately breed them away from the rest and should have a stable strain by Oct./Nov. It's all about inbreeding haha
i think you plan on pollen chucking (i am too!) breeding is a long process
also imo the cannabis cup is scam to sell beans and make money...
where are these classes? and how much? i wanna go..
you can never learn too much....
i went to one of harborside classes and it was a waste of time...but i guess it matters on placement....
what strains you running?