Well-Known Member
Fuck all those raghead mother fuckers! Am I pissed? Ya damn right I am! This "war" that WE (the USA!) started... is never going to end.
Does the U.S. Government not realize that!?!? It's become an endless cycle my friends. By that, I mean.. for every 'Al-Queda Leader' that we kill... the terrorist group already has someone to replace the 'leader' that we kill.. its an endless cycle!
All of this war.. and for what?!? It's a waste of time IMO..
Our initial mission... was to go overseas, track Osama Bin Laden... and kill/capture (they wanted him dead.. and his head served on a silver platter.. which they got).. okay? Alright, so we've killed Osama.. but now there's a new issue/problem for the USA.. what problem might that be? Well, now the terrorist group Al-Queda has a new leader.. er well, DID have a new leader.. but apparently we've killed his lame ass too!! HAHAHA! They really think they (the terrorist) can actually win this war?? Not a fucking chance.. and why they haven't realize this yet.. is beyond me.
Anyhow.. back to my ranting. Now that we've killed TWO very dangerous people, both of whom were leaders for the terror cell/group 'Al-Queda' - Do these raghead fucks not realize what kind of power the U.S. actually has??!?! Do they not realize that we can fly unmanned airplanes (Drones) over there.. without risking the lives of any soldiers.. and bomb/kill every single terrorist over there?!?! They've got some balls.. I'll give them that much.. because if the U.S. gets to the point where.. we've just had enough and run out of options... do they not realize that we have technology that makes these terror groups/cells look like the Flintstones?!?!
I mean, for Christs sake.. the U.S. government, IMO... needs to rally up all of our allies.. have a meeting with all of them attending the meeting.. and they need to talk about dropping a Nuclear weapon on these 'terror cells'. The CIA knows 90% of all their locations.. all the U.S. government has to do... is type in the latitude and longitude of the location of each terror cell... hit the 'FIRE' button.. and whoop... there ya go!!
I mean, people.. its coming to the point where we're going to run out of options.. and ideas to defeat these terrorist fucks.. and now we've got these new 'homegrown terrorist' that have been or are following the 'ALLAH IS GREAT' bullshit.. and want to retaliate against the U.S. for killing the two Al-Queda leaders!! IMO, right now.. we should be on EXTREMELY HIGH ALERT here in the U.S.A. - They're going to try something.. its just a matter of time.
But!! If the U.S. government would get their heads out of their asses and realize that the only true way to defeat these terrorist groups.. is to just nuke their asses!!
I'm just really pissed that the world has become what it currently is. I mean, for fucks sake people.. we can't even go to the fucking shopping center, restaurant, bank.. wherever.. without worrying about some crazy psycho terrorist walking in and shooting everyone or blowing the place up. IMO, that's a HUGE problem.. and it needs to be fixed!
If we were to nuke these terrorist groups/cells over in Afghanistan... IMO, that right there would set a great example... of what the U.S. does to terrorist.. and I think it would get the message across to these raghead fucks.. that the U.S. WILL NOT put up with terrorist coming to the U.S. to kill innocent Americans.. period. I think that right there, might just do the trick!
It would put so much fear into these fuckers.. that they wouldn't even DARE think about pulling some stupid lame attack on American soil ever again.. or to begin with.
This is AMERICA!!!! Home of the fucking brave.. and the FREE!!
All I can say is this.. any terrorist that comes to my state/city.. and I hear about them.. and can confirm that they or that person is truly a terrorist?!?! Yeah, it would suck to be that person.. because I'll tell ya right now, you come to my home state starting shit.. or trying to pull some bullshit 'attack'... your gonna get your nuts shoved down your throat. Just a fair warning..
But yeah, this shits gotta stop.. and if we, the USA... have to use extreme force to end this bullshit, then I say lets fucking do it!! Otherwise, its just an endless cycle that's going to keep getting worse and worse as the years go by.. its time to stop this bullshit people.
Maybe I'm the only one here that loves the USA?? I love this country so much.. that I went to war back in the 90's.. I served two terms of duty over in Iraq.. back when Saddam Hussaine was torching all of the oil wells and reserves over in Iraq. I've seen some shit in my day.. and I've noticed nothing except that its been getting worse every year, ever since the war started in Iraq.
We've got to stop this!!
ugghh.. I'm so mentally tired now.
Fuck ALLAH.. and fuck all those raghead fucks over in Afghanistan.. and also, all you 'ALLAH' followers that might be here in the U.S. - Go fuck yourself.. and that's putting it lightly..
Peace to the U.S.A. - We need it now more than ever.
"Anwar al-Awlaki killing sparks US travel alert" (read article below)
The US state department has issued a travel alert to Americans, warning of a heightened risk of violence worldwide in the wake of the killing of key al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki.
The US-born radical Islamist cleric was killed by US drones in Yemen on Friday.
The state department warned his death would provide motivation for retaliation against US interests.
Also killed was US-born propagandist Samir Khan, with unconfirmed reports a key Saudi bombmaker also died.
In issuing its worldwide travel alert, the state department said: "The death of Awlaki, in the near term, could provide motivation for anti-American attacks worldwide from individuals or groups seeking to retaliate against US citizens or interests because of this action."
It said Awlaki and other figures in his group, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), had previously called for attacks on US citizens.
A similar travel alert was issued after the killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden by US Special Forces in a raid into Pakistan in May."
Yemen criticism Awlaki, of Yemeni descent, had been on the run in Yemen since December 2007.
The US said he had played a "significant role" in plots to blow up US airliners and had sought use poison to kill US citizens.
Mr Obama is said to have personally ordered his killing last year.
Awlaki was killed in Khashef in Jawf province, about 140km (90 miles) east of the capital, Sanaa.
Samir Khan, a US citizen of Pakistani origin, had produced an online magazine promoting al-Qaeda's ideology.
There have been reports that Saudi militant Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri was also killed.
Associated Press news agency quoted US officials as saying intelligence had indicated he was among the dead but the officials could not confirm it.
Reuters quoted Yemeni security officials as denying Asiri had been killed.
If his death is confirmed, it would be a severe blow to al-Qaeda.
Asiri, 29, is thought to have designed explosives in two attempted attacks on the US.
One involved bombs hidden in two printers that were shipped from Yemen and intercepted in England and Dubai.
Meanwhile, Yemen's government has accused the US of disrespect in repeating its call for President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down.
The White House said Awlaki's killing had not changed its demand that Mr Saleh, who has faced months of protests against his rule, should go.
But Yemen's Deputy Information Minister Abdu al-Janadi told Reuters news agency: "The Americans don't even respect those who cooperate with them."
-End of article-
Does the U.S. Government not realize that!?!? It's become an endless cycle my friends. By that, I mean.. for every 'Al-Queda Leader' that we kill... the terrorist group already has someone to replace the 'leader' that we kill.. its an endless cycle!
All of this war.. and for what?!? It's a waste of time IMO..
Our initial mission... was to go overseas, track Osama Bin Laden... and kill/capture (they wanted him dead.. and his head served on a silver platter.. which they got).. okay? Alright, so we've killed Osama.. but now there's a new issue/problem for the USA.. what problem might that be? Well, now the terrorist group Al-Queda has a new leader.. er well, DID have a new leader.. but apparently we've killed his lame ass too!! HAHAHA! They really think they (the terrorist) can actually win this war?? Not a fucking chance.. and why they haven't realize this yet.. is beyond me.
Anyhow.. back to my ranting. Now that we've killed TWO very dangerous people, both of whom were leaders for the terror cell/group 'Al-Queda' - Do these raghead fucks not realize what kind of power the U.S. actually has??!?! Do they not realize that we can fly unmanned airplanes (Drones) over there.. without risking the lives of any soldiers.. and bomb/kill every single terrorist over there?!?! They've got some balls.. I'll give them that much.. because if the U.S. gets to the point where.. we've just had enough and run out of options... do they not realize that we have technology that makes these terror groups/cells look like the Flintstones?!?!
I mean, for Christs sake.. the U.S. government, IMO... needs to rally up all of our allies.. have a meeting with all of them attending the meeting.. and they need to talk about dropping a Nuclear weapon on these 'terror cells'. The CIA knows 90% of all their locations.. all the U.S. government has to do... is type in the latitude and longitude of the location of each terror cell... hit the 'FIRE' button.. and whoop... there ya go!!
I mean, people.. its coming to the point where we're going to run out of options.. and ideas to defeat these terrorist fucks.. and now we've got these new 'homegrown terrorist' that have been or are following the 'ALLAH IS GREAT' bullshit.. and want to retaliate against the U.S. for killing the two Al-Queda leaders!! IMO, right now.. we should be on EXTREMELY HIGH ALERT here in the U.S.A. - They're going to try something.. its just a matter of time.
But!! If the U.S. government would get their heads out of their asses and realize that the only true way to defeat these terrorist groups.. is to just nuke their asses!!
I'm just really pissed that the world has become what it currently is. I mean, for fucks sake people.. we can't even go to the fucking shopping center, restaurant, bank.. wherever.. without worrying about some crazy psycho terrorist walking in and shooting everyone or blowing the place up. IMO, that's a HUGE problem.. and it needs to be fixed!
If we were to nuke these terrorist groups/cells over in Afghanistan... IMO, that right there would set a great example... of what the U.S. does to terrorist.. and I think it would get the message across to these raghead fucks.. that the U.S. WILL NOT put up with terrorist coming to the U.S. to kill innocent Americans.. period. I think that right there, might just do the trick!
It would put so much fear into these fuckers.. that they wouldn't even DARE think about pulling some stupid lame attack on American soil ever again.. or to begin with.
This is AMERICA!!!! Home of the fucking brave.. and the FREE!!
All I can say is this.. any terrorist that comes to my state/city.. and I hear about them.. and can confirm that they or that person is truly a terrorist?!?! Yeah, it would suck to be that person.. because I'll tell ya right now, you come to my home state starting shit.. or trying to pull some bullshit 'attack'... your gonna get your nuts shoved down your throat. Just a fair warning..

But yeah, this shits gotta stop.. and if we, the USA... have to use extreme force to end this bullshit, then I say lets fucking do it!! Otherwise, its just an endless cycle that's going to keep getting worse and worse as the years go by.. its time to stop this bullshit people.
Maybe I'm the only one here that loves the USA?? I love this country so much.. that I went to war back in the 90's.. I served two terms of duty over in Iraq.. back when Saddam Hussaine was torching all of the oil wells and reserves over in Iraq. I've seen some shit in my day.. and I've noticed nothing except that its been getting worse every year, ever since the war started in Iraq.
We've got to stop this!!
ugghh.. I'm so mentally tired now.

Fuck ALLAH.. and fuck all those raghead fucks over in Afghanistan.. and also, all you 'ALLAH' followers that might be here in the U.S. - Go fuck yourself.. and that's putting it lightly..
Peace to the U.S.A. - We need it now more than ever.
"Anwar al-Awlaki killing sparks US travel alert" (read article below)
The US state department has issued a travel alert to Americans, warning of a heightened risk of violence worldwide in the wake of the killing of key al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki.
The US-born radical Islamist cleric was killed by US drones in Yemen on Friday.
The state department warned his death would provide motivation for retaliation against US interests.
Also killed was US-born propagandist Samir Khan, with unconfirmed reports a key Saudi bombmaker also died.
In issuing its worldwide travel alert, the state department said: "The death of Awlaki, in the near term, could provide motivation for anti-American attacks worldwide from individuals or groups seeking to retaliate against US citizens or interests because of this action."
It said Awlaki and other figures in his group, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), had previously called for attacks on US citizens.
A similar travel alert was issued after the killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden by US Special Forces in a raid into Pakistan in May."
Yemen criticism Awlaki, of Yemeni descent, had been on the run in Yemen since December 2007.
The US said he had played a "significant role" in plots to blow up US airliners and had sought use poison to kill US citizens.
Mr Obama is said to have personally ordered his killing last year.
Awlaki was killed in Khashef in Jawf province, about 140km (90 miles) east of the capital, Sanaa.
Samir Khan, a US citizen of Pakistani origin, had produced an online magazine promoting al-Qaeda's ideology.
There have been reports that Saudi militant Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri was also killed.
Associated Press news agency quoted US officials as saying intelligence had indicated he was among the dead but the officials could not confirm it.
Reuters quoted Yemeni security officials as denying Asiri had been killed.
If his death is confirmed, it would be a severe blow to al-Qaeda.
Asiri, 29, is thought to have designed explosives in two attempted attacks on the US.
One involved bombs hidden in two printers that were shipped from Yemen and intercepted in England and Dubai.
Meanwhile, Yemen's government has accused the US of disrespect in repeating its call for President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down.
The White House said Awlaki's killing had not changed its demand that Mr Saleh, who has faced months of protests against his rule, should go.
But Yemen's Deputy Information Minister Abdu al-Janadi told Reuters news agency: "The Americans don't even respect those who cooperate with them."
-End of article-