Anu one help me


Active Member
2 peces of 95 wat snow wight cfls and 2 peces of 36 wat day light cfls.

lights on = 40 to 55 % humity,24 to 28 degres temp.

lights off = 55 to 85 % humity,16 to 21 degrees temp.

,,fans,,plant in soil,,the seeds from a litle bag that was marijuana in it,brouth it from out side country to smoke it wid friends,and here is no such seed !
its now 8 weeks and my last plant that didnt day is 15 cm toll !!!!!!! why ? why ? you can see them in my picture albums,they have plus 4 smole leaves !!! please,, why so smole ?
[get better lights and you need fans intake and exaust and you need to think about what kind of nutrient levels your soil is at