Ants in soil !!


Well-Known Member
right now im too blazed to take any pics :bigjoint::bigjoint:

but i got this old pot of soil thats been sittin outside for a longtime to use as my grow soil but little did i know there was a ant nest in it . but heres the thing tho i got a healthy girl wit a fat ass and shes doing fine but idk whats da word when i got to flower her. any ideas?

Dakota Big Smokin

Active Member
I can't really understand your question but if your plant isn't already in the ant soil theen don't use it.. If so then when you trannsplant carefully break the soil away from the rootball and put into fresh stuff, give your plant a week or two to recover from stress before you flip to 12/12... Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member better soil, pro-mix is at menards or any organic based soil and a bag of perlite if you have one near you and repot it. Also pick up some diatomacious earth. You can pick it up at your local garden center or menards/lowes/home depot etc. Its an insect dust that dehydrates insects dead, especially ants. It is safe to use and wont harm your crop. Sprinkle it on top of your soil and they will die. Do this before you flower her and also flush her really good before you flower her with plain distilled water, depending on how big your pot is twice the amount of water as the size of your pot. Hope this helps ya and good luck.

Diatomaceous Earth Insect Control

  • Kills Ants And Crawling Insects
  • Safe Around Humans And Pets
  • Organic
  • Kills All Season Long


Well-Known Member
When I was digging a hole for one of my plants, I too stumbled onto a pretty good size ant nest. I just continued digging and left them alone. Ants aren't usually a problem unless their farming aphids on your plants. Using Diatomaceous Earth will definitely keep them away. So will simply washing your plants with dawn dish soap from time to time.


right now im too blazed to take any pics :bigjoint::bigjoint:

but i got this old pot of soil thats been sittin outside for a longtime to use as my grow soil but little did i know there was a ant nest in it . but heres the thing tho i got a healthy girl wit a fat ass and shes doing fine but idk whats da word when i got to flower her. any ideas?
Hi I dont normally do this and if english is your second language then please forgive me but you question is badly written, makes no sence and you couldnt even be bothered to take a picture of what your asking about. Im guessing you couldnt be bothered to do any reseach for yourself either
This really irritates me, I know weve all gotta learn somwhere but how about making questions readable , providing a little evidence and backgroung info for your query.its really not too mucb to ask the other thing is nearly every question you can think of has been asked already so a little research goes a LONG way. Mini rant over.


Well-Known Member
yo bra i already searched for dat shit an i don care if you cant read my writing this is an internet post, not your college english class and i told you i was too blazed to get up walk all they way to my garden an then interrupt them wit light only a jackass would do that


Well-Known Member
Ants won't hurt your plants...they are only a minor annoyance, unless you are in the southern half of the US and you have fire ants...then they are a huge annoyance, but still won't hurt your plants...if you put a nice layer of Diatomaceous Earth all about the area it usually deters ants...also you can mix really hot chili powder with baby powder and spread that keeps lots of bugs away...anyway something to think about.
i used old soil once, i had all kinds of lil worms and ants and pest in it. it was very NOOB of me.
You CAN DIG SOIL from your backyard, but you have to steralize it in the oven. This will kill all microbes and worms, but keep the nutrients safe.

I have a Fungas Gnats AND spider Mites, so have some research to do.
Poison them with DISTILLED organic solution or mosquito dunks, dry out the soil, sand the soil, problem solved.
Will the Fungas Gnat solution also work for the spider mites?

Well-Known Member
i used old soil once, i had all kinds of lil worms and ants and pest in it. it was very NOOB of me.
You CAN DIG SOIL from your backyard, but you have to steralize it in the oven. This will kill all microbes and worms, but keep the nutrients safe.

I have a Fungas Gnats AND spider Mites, so have some research to do.
Poison them with DISTILLED organic solution or mosquito dunks, dry out the soil, sand the soil, problem solved.
Will the Fungas Gnat solution also work for the spider mites?
lol have you ever tried baking dirt? Your house will smell like shit for 3 days... Not a good idea.