Anti depressants + mmj? drug interaction? Help please

it is asfe to use marijuana with anti depressants i have done a lot of research and have tons of personal experience. SSRI's are Selective Seretonin Reuptake Inhibitors. They work by blocking the brain from taking seretonin from "the playground" back to "the classroom" for lack of another analogy. Marijuana is said to effect seretonin, I can't remember exact specifics but I would guess it would just increase the output a little.

Seretonin is a neurotransmitter that is involved with many of the bodys regulatory functions including mood, appetite, energy level (being tired/not being tired), temperature, and a host of other bodily functions.Most drugs that affect seretonin are relatively safe with MAOI's usually being the most dangerous IMO (they have a ton of drug interactions up to 2 weeks from your last dose, some that can be very dangerous)

Some people say that the effects of Marijuana are increased when used while on anti-depressants. I don't know how I feel on this subject however I did notice some benefits pertaining to marijuana use while being on anti depressants. I was in high school during this period and I was dealing with a lot. I was put on anti depressants to help with mild depression but mostly anxiety. marijuana would trigger my anxiety because i wasn't using it frequently enough to be fully comfortable with the effects. for example when i would go through periods of daily smoking no anxiety would come about however if i were to smoke every couple weeks or every week or so then it would often result in some anxiety. This nuisance was greatly reduced when i was on a regimen of anti depressants. (my max dose was 40 mg of citalopram [celexa] daily)

Everybody responds differently to medications however the general antidepressants (SSRI's) are very safe with marijuana use.

I forgot to mention that the SSRI's also differ greatly. some can have a noticeable stimulant effect to them especially in the first few weeks of treatment. It's important to know how the SSRI's are making you feel. in terms of interactions they are not going to be dangerous but I know how panic disorder can be and very small things can set somebody off so it's always good to start small. When I was dealing with all these issues I would sometimes take many medicines together. Citalopram (Celexa), Dexedrine (Dextroamphetamine), Methadone, Klonopin, Benadryl...all in conjunction with limited side effects. not recommending this behavior as it can be dangerous, just trying to show that SSRI anti-depressants are relatively safe.

thanks for the reply, great post...

I am still in the beginning phase of my anti-depressant use to treat my anxiety disorder....i started lexapro approximately two weeks ago, for the first 4 days i took 5mg(half dose) then on the 5th day i moved up to 10mg(my doctor gave me these instructions)....since being on 10mg I am facing extreme fatigue/nausea/exhaustion....I was told this is pretty common at the beginning of anti-depressant use? because your body has to adapt to this type of drug and it will take 2-3 weeks. I wasn't planning on using any marijuana until at least 1 month - 1 1/2 months into treatment with the lexapro. seem logical? My anxiety attacks and use of xanex has subsided, however it has been replaced by what i can only describe as chronic fatigue syndrome type going to do my best to hold out for at least 1 more week before I start tapering down the dose then come off.
I don't have any personal experience with lexapro however SSRI's vary greatly with how people react to them especially during the initial stages of treatment. It is generally accepted that SSRI's take about a month to begin having clinically significant results. They slowly build up the dose to avoid side effects because jumping on a normal dose would probably cause typical symptoms of excess seretonin (sweating, jaw clenching, light trembling, nervousness, etc). Some SSRI's are looked at to be more stimulating by psychiatrists, prozac and zoloft come to mind and some can cause tiredness and daily fatigue like you are experiencing. This should subside within the first few weeks. If it doesn't you could consult with your doctor, he may decide to try you on another SSRI, there are so many out there now that they will find one that works.

In my opinion it is very wise for you to wait off on using marijuana, or any other substance for that matter. I for one wouldn't be able to. This will allow you to see how much the anti depressants are working and what side effects they may be causing. Also how long and how frequently have you been taking Xanax? Benzodiazepines have a very nasty withdrawal profile and it could be the reason you are feeling like this. I went through withdrawl and while insomnia and panic attacks come up I was also very tired throughout the days. it could be your body getting used to that change.
I'm on cymbalta and it sucks. Does nothing. Tapering off soon. Maryjane is much more effective. OP: Doesn't effect me at all to dose on both. It's alcohol that really f's with you if you drink too much while on ssri's etc THAT will put you in a hole man. Don't mess with that... if you DO drink, keep extreme moderation.
All pills are liver toxic. You should look up the benefits of using high doses of vitamins to help with imbalances created through everyday stresses. And you should also look up how your diet effects your symptoms also. Im not a doc... but if your serious about alternative health, those are some places you might want to start looking. A film I may suggest is Food Matters. Should be on Netflix if you have it. Changed my perspective and has helped in my change to a more organic lifestyle. Hope it helps.
reading this thread gives me a lil anxiety lol

suffering with anxiety/depression i take no pills,and when i did get them i never got refills or used every pill i was given,only a few times to help me sleep..i would wake up gasping for air.then be paranoid to sleep.

now i just toughen it out...i like to be in control and if im not i get paranoid,i ride motorcycles aside from driving.sometimes when my adrenaline kicks in i tend to like it,and afterwords its calm/relaxed feeling.

sex helps ;-)....

eating right and good food,keeping your mind busy,beautiful women,beautiful grows,loud music(competition bass),riding motorcycles,lowriding,massage,a few beers here and there,and being around great more...sounds like heaven..
I took Zoloft for 2 months when I was 18 and my hair started falling out slowly. I stopped but it continued for months afterwards. It did not leave me bald but it got pretty thin in front.
I don't have any personal experience with lexapro however SSRI's vary greatly with how people react to them especially during the initial stages of treatment. It is generally accepted that SSRI's take about a month to begin having clinically significant results. They slowly build up the dose to avoid side effects because jumping on a normal dose would probably cause typical symptoms of excess seretonin (sweating, jaw clenching, light trembling, nervousness, etc). Some SSRI's are looked at to be more stimulating by psychiatrists, prozac and zoloft come to mind and some can cause tiredness and daily fatigue like you are experiencing. This should subside within the first few weeks. If it doesn't you could consult with your doctor, he may decide to try you on another SSRI, there are so many out there now that they will find one that works.

In my opinion it is very wise for you to wait off on using marijuana, or any other substance for that matter. I for one wouldn't be able to. This will allow you to see how much the anti depressants are working and what side effects they may be causing. Also how long and how frequently have you been taking Xanax? Benzodiazepines have a very nasty withdrawal profile and it could be the reason you are feeling like this. I went through withdrawl and while insomnia and panic attacks come up I was also very tired throughout the days. it could be your body getting used to that change.

My xanex is only to be used as needed, meaning if I start experiencing an anxiety/panic attack I can take one but im not supposed to get into a habit of using it....Ive actually cut down on them incredibly and my goal is to not take any for an entire down to 1/2mg now, so maybe the lexapro is starting to help me? and yes, definitely holding off on the mj until i feel im in the clear

I'm on cymbalta and it sucks. Does nothing. Tapering off soon. Maryjane is much more effective. OP: Doesn't effect me at all to dose on both. It's alcohol that really f's with you if you drink too much while on ssri's etc THAT will put you in a hole man. Don't mess with that... if you DO drink, keep extreme moderation.

Im not a big drinker, i would much rather smoke but it depends on the environment and who im with...Ill experiment more with mj once I have more strains to use than just Blue Dream(gives me panic attacks--heart gets too racy and get the spins very easy, its strong stuff...grew it myself ;) )

All pills are liver toxic. You should look up the benefits of using high doses of vitamins to help with imbalances created through everyday stresses. And you should also look up how your diet effects your symptoms also. Im not a doc... but if your serious about alternative health, those are some places you might want to start looking. A film I may suggest is Food Matters. Should be on Netflix if you have it. Changed my perspective and has helped in my change to a more organic lifestyle. Hope it helps.

I do try to take a daily multivitamin as well as omegas. when this first started i thought maybe i OD'd on my multi's

reading this thread gives me a lil anxiety lol

suffering with anxiety/depression i take no pills,and when i did get them i never got refills or used every pill i was given,only a few times to help me sleep..i would wake up gasping for air.then be paranoid to sleep.

now i just toughen it out...i like to be in control and if im not i get paranoid,i ride motorcycles aside from driving.sometimes when my adrenaline kicks in i tend to like it,and afterwords its calm/relaxed feeling.

sex helps ;-)....

eating right and good food,keeping your mind busy,beautiful women,beautiful grows,loud music(competition bass),riding motorcycles,lowriding,massage,a few beers here and there,and being around great more...sounds like heaven..

Yeah i really just try to keep myself distracted, computer works the best, or working in the garden...but cant do those things all day you know?

I took Zoloft for 2 months when I was 18 and my hair started falling out slowly. I stopped but it continued for months afterwards. It did not leave me bald but it got pretty thin in front.

luckily im not prone to mpb lol

Well, today has been a good day thus far, energy has been good, haven't needed to take any xanex....but my dose of lexapro is coming up soon...thank you for all the replies! hopefully this conversation is helping out others as well!
you may notice that once you have been stabilized on a good SSRI for you ( hopefully Lexapro will be the one although its not uncommon to experiment with 2 or 3 to find the right one) these negative effects from the Blue Dream will go away or at least become manageable. And yes, alcohol is the WORST thing to use if you are dealing with depression and/or anxiety because it will only exacerbate these issues.
you may notice that once you have been stabilized on a good SSRI for you ( hopefully Lexapro will be the one although its not uncommon to experiment with 2 or 3 to find the right one) these negative effects from the Blue Dream will go away or at least become manageable. And yes, alcohol is the WORST thing to use if you are dealing with depression and/or anxiety because it will only exacerbate these issues.

I hope so man. Im not trying to jump around from drug to drug all year. I don't want my life revolving around these pills, but so far nothing has helped
Ive been on these so called "anti-depressants" for 5 years and im only 18. i havent had a bad side effects on the 6 different pills i've tried.
you never experienced any side affects while taking any of the 6 different kinds? thats really lucky....or do you mean while smoking?
you never experienced any side affects while taking any of the 6 different kinds? thats really lucky....or do you mean while smoking?
Little of both. im getting off of the pills and going for a straight life of cannabinoidal medication. might not have a card but hey this is still my medicine and it DOES work. better than those damn demon pills.
just an update since this got bumped:

Ive been on Lexapro @ 10mg since the last week of January, and I didnt try smoking again until April. No issues at all. No panic attacks no anxiety. No serious issues with smoking. Now I smoke more than ever and my tolerance is very very high.