Another white guy gun massacre.

People walking on campus and shooting themselves, and also single stray bullets, do not qualify as a "school shooting" because there is no proof of an attack other than the 3 actual shootings. Yes there is a problem, but there has not been 18 school shootings this year.

These high capacity firearms have been around since before the 70's, and I see in your post that more homes had firearms in them in the 70's that compared to todays numbers. School shootins were few and far between, dispite the fact that many high school aged students left high powered rifles, shotguns and handguns in plain view in the parking lot.

What changed? We had the same firearms, high capacity mags and easier access 50 years ago, and this didn't happen like it does today.
either you are very young or very ignorant. Today's time is so different then the times of yesteryear. 50 years ago I could not buy or stock up on ammo so easily without someone asking some questions. Nor could I log on to the internet and find out how to make a bomb or hear so much negative bullshit. Kids today are exposed to so much grown bullshit then I ever was. They carry a fucking computer in their pockets ( cell phone) that can be helpful and also be the door to pure fucking evil.
My time, smoking a cigarette was taboo and huffing was done but viewed as stupid. Now kids smoking freaking meth and popping pills like it is candy. Everyone seems more angry now and we have a POS president who feeds on that shit.
either you are very young or very ignorant. Today's time is so different then the times of yesteryear. 50 years ago I could not buy or stock up on ammo so easily without someone asking some questions. Nor could I log on to the internet and find out how to make a bomb or hear so much negative bullshit. Kids today are exposed to so much grown bullshit then I ever was. They carry a fucking computer in their pockets ( cell phone) that can be helpful and also be the door to pure fucking evil.
My time, smoking a cigarette was taboo and huffing was done but viewed as stupid. Now kids smoking freaking meth and popping pills like it is candy. Everyone seems more angry now and we have a POS president who feeds on that shit.

It's a different world now, that's for sure.
This is part of a weekly circular from Cabelas that came in the Sunday newspaper:


Included in the local paper, along with a Safeway circular for sales of the week. Get your pork loin from Safeway and your AR15 from Cabelas, both on sale, BUY NOW!!!

I don't think this kind of shit was included in the Sunday newspaper of 1970.

Those aren't your grand pa's hunting rifles, my man.
It's a different world now, that's for sure.
This is part of a weekly circular from Cabelas that came in the Sunday newspaper:

View attachment 4091364

Included in the local paper, along with a Safeway circular for sales of the week. Get your pork loin from Safeway and your AR15 from Cabelas, both on sale, BUY NOW!!!

I don't think this kind of shit was included in the Sunday newspaper of 1970.
and it took you how long to find that on the WWW.
too easy
So you cry about me calling you a gringo but when a white racist has a meltdown and tosses the N word around you mock me.

Thanks for clarifying your perspective for us, cracker.

You call others Crackers(you are a racist)
and Jews(you are a racist)
and Honkeys(you are a racist)
but then you
chump out with the "N" word.
either you are very young or very ignorant. Today's time is so different then the times of yesteryear. 50 years ago I could not buy or stock up on ammo so easily without someone asking some questions. Nor could I log on to the internet and find out how to make a bomb or hear so much negative bullshit. Kids today are exposed to so much grown bullshit then I ever was. They carry a fucking computer in their pockets ( cell phone) that can be helpful and also be the door to pure fucking evil.
My time, smoking a cigarette was taboo and huffing was done but viewed as stupid. Now kids smoking freaking meth and popping pills like it is candy. Everyone seems more angry now and we have a POS president who feeds on that shit.

Actually stocking up on ammo has been going on for decades.

And smoking was cool up to about 1990. I dont ever remember a time in the 70s and 80s that it was "taboo" to smoke cigs but huffing has always been stupid.
thumbs up if you love school shootings! especially when "very fine people" like this white supremacist is the one pulling the trigger

I'm old enough and literate enough to not consider videos a form of communication on complex topics. I'm also not ignorant about what the term racist means. Did AC hurt your sensitive little white man's feelz? Why do you think it bothers you?
I didn't ask how old you are...but obviously you are not an adult...maybe physically but mentally I can call me all the names you want it doesn't bother me I'm just surprised at how many of you have such a low inferiority complex...your name calling is nothing more than a reflection of yourself... and I actually pitty you guys, because you are in the same state of mind that these shooters are are just a step away from doing the same thing, And I believe that it is not a hatred for others that you have, but a hatred for your own help before its to late...peace out and may you find yours
I didn't ask how old you are...but obviously you are not an adult...maybe physically but mentally I can call me all the names you want it doesn't bother me I'm just surprised at how many of you have such a low inferiority complex...your name calling is nothing more than a reflection of yourself... and I actually pitty you guys, because you are in the same state of mind that these shooters are are just a step away from doing the same thing, And I believe that it is not a hatred for others that you have, but a hatred for your own help before its to late...peace out and may you find yours
nice ellipses
just because he is light skinned does not mean he is not Hispanic
Nicholas is not Hispanic. You assume that just because he is of Spanish descent that he must have also non-European blood. He's a ginger white kid who never got the minority experience. He has freckles and trained with a white supremacist militia and wore a MAGA hat.

He is as white as it gets. Surname doesn't mean ethnicity. Jackson and Johnson are Anglo surnames yet very common among black people. Cruz is a Spanish surname. Spain is full of violent whites who are the descendants of rabid conquistadores. There are also black people from the Dominican Republic, Asians from the Philippines, Chicanos from Mexico and even Sephardic Jews from "Marrano" families with the surname Cruz.

Nicholas is a white guy.
I didn't ask how old you are...but obviously you are not an adult...maybe physically but mentally I can call me all the names you want it doesn't bother me I'm just surprised at how many of you have such a low inferiority complex...your name calling is nothing more than a reflection of yourself... and I actually pitty you guys, because you are in the same state of mind that these shooters are are just a step away from doing the same thing, And I believe that it is not a hatred for others that you have, but a hatred for your own help before its to late...peace out and may you find yours
Tender little white man, you are angry because it was a white man who shot up the school, he has been identified as a white man, and compared to the many other white guys who have shot up schools recently. You take this so personally. The facts are all there in front of you but you focus on your common history with these shooters as if it proves something contrary to the claim that white men are the ones doing the murdering.. In doing so, you prove AC's case.

Of course the above graphic doesn't contain the most recent two or is it three school shootings, all by whites, so the real number is 56 or 57.

Need I mention that hate crimes against brown people and Muslims have shot up ever since Trump took office?

As far as other claims about the bloodthirsty conquest and depredations that white people have visited upon the world through conquest and colonization, justified by racist beliefs, how can anybody deny this is true?

What body of work do you rely on to justify your outrage? I don't think there is. Your feelz are just hurtz and in a typical response by entitled white men, you strike out.