Another watering question...educate me please!


New Member
OK, so I just planted the girls in FF Ocean Soil. I followed all the tips about potting the soil, carefully burying the germinated seed and lightly patting the soil on the top down.
I added my purified water, no nutes yet, and waited for drainage from the 6" pot holes. I have no run off but I'm pretty sure there is a good amount of water in the soil. I'm worried about over watering them so I have left it as it is. Is seeing that initial run off from the holes always the marker for the right water amount or could I get by without seeing it?
Again, I am less worried about under watering than over watering but I'd like opinions on what I should do. I planted them less than an hour ago.
Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Over-watering is every new growers mistake. Giving nutrients too early is the other mistake.

Roots need air as much as they need water. Water your plant until you get run-off and then hide the watering can for about 4 days. Then repeat. If you do this for the bulk of your grow, you should be fine. You didn't mention what type of container you have them in. Smart pots and Airpots will need more watering.....and if you have your seedlings in jiffy pots....daily watering is in order (if you have a fan on your seedling).

FFOF is full of nutrients and you don't need to break out the nutes for at least a month...then only give 1/4 strength....wait another 2-3 weeks and go with full strength. Don't buy into more is better with nutrients....all you want to do is replace the spent nutes in the soil.


Well-Known Member
I'd just leave it alone at this point. I just germed one that took 6 days to pop up. I was thinking I had my first dead seed but, not. My method is similar to yours and I have a 100% germ rate. The only differences I see is that I use Plagron Grow Mix and I put my seed in a rock wool cube that has been soaked in distilled water for a couple days. I bury the cube in the Plagron with just enough dirt over the top of the rock wool to hide it. I then add some tap water around the outside edge of the disposable starter cup and set it under full LED BlackStar Chrome 270 light right beside my other flowering plant. I run auto's staggered every 4-6 weeks because I have limited room. Works every time so far although I did just have a scare until I woke up this morning on day 6 and saw just a tad bit breaking through! lol

South Texas

Well-Known Member
OK, so I just planted the girls in FF Ocean Soil. I followed all the tips about potting the soil, carefully burying the germinated seed and lightly patting the soil on the top down.I added my purified water, no nutes yet, and waited for drainage from the 6" pot holes. I have no run off but I'm pretty sure there is a good amount of water in the soil. I'm worried about over watering them so I have left it as it is. Is seeing that initial run off from the holes always the marker for the right water amount or could I get by without seeing it? Again, I am less worried about under watering than over watering but I'd like opinions on what I should do. I planted them less than an hour ago.Thanks in advance
The 2nd knuckle test & the picking up the pot to gauge the water content is the best 2 methods

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Once the plants are in reasonable size pots, leave the soil 2 inches below the rim of pot. Water quick & fast, keep a solid wall of water draining, same amount of water, just flood...this does 2 things,... pushes the existing oyxgen out of the bottom, and 2, causes a vacuum to suck in fresh oyxgen into the soil. I love this method, as does my babies rooting system.


New Member
I did add a bit more water and checked back but still no run off. I lifted the pots and tapped my finger over the hole, revealing a drop of water each tap. I hope that's enough, it at least tells me that the water reached the bottom. I'm not touching them again for at least 48 hours. I weighed each of the potted plants dry and each pot weighed 1lb 2oz. After watering each weighed 1lb 13oz. I know the weight thing is unreliable but I did it just to note in my journal.
Next time I water I will use just a bit more than before or until the water leeches out of the pot holes. Thanks again guys and gals!


Active Member
Why do people continually start seeds in a hot soil like Ocean Forest? Fox Farms makes Light Warrior for that purpose. I see so many issues with seedlings and Ocean Forest time and time again. You shouldn't need to feed it anything for quite awhile.

Here is how I do it.

Get a beer cup, and put some drainage holes in the bottom. Fill the cup up with the potting mix and water it THOROUGHLY until you get a bit of run off (water dripping through the drainage holes you just made).

Plant your seed about a 1/4 inch deep and cover it.

You should NOT have to water for at least a week or more, if the soil drys out on the top layer lightly mist it with a spray bottle.

Next, take the same container size you are using for the seedling and fill it up with the same potting mix. DO NOT add water to this container. Lift the dry cup up and compare your seedling container to it.

Water your seedling when it feels the same as the dry mix container.

It's really that simple.


Well-Known Member
Why do people continually start seeds in a hot soil like Ocean Forest? Fox Farms makes Light Warrior for that purpose. I see so many issues with seedlings and Ocean Forest time and time again. You shouldn't need to feed it anything for quite awhile.

Here is how I do it.

Get a beer cup, and put some drainage holes in the bottom. Fill the cup up with the potting mix and water it THOROUGHLY until you get a bit of run off (water dripping through the drainage holes you just made).

Plant your seed about a 1/4 inch deep and cover it.

You should NOT have to water for at least a week or more, if the soil drys out on the top layer lightly mist it with a spray bottle.

Next, take the same container size you are using for the seedling and fill it up with the same potting mix. DO NOT add water to this container. Lift the dry cup up and compare your seedling container to it.

Water your seedling when it feels the same as the dry mix container.

It's really that simple.
I suspect that some strains have issues starting out in Ocean Forest, but I've not experienced any problems. I think many people have problems with OF when they add nutrients too soon and burn their plants. Happy Frog is a good choice too and is not as "hot" as OF.

I like FFOF because I've gotten to know the soil and have a good feel when it needs additional nutrients. We all have our ways of growing and there's no one right way of doing it.


Active Member
I suspect that some strains have issues starting out in Ocean Forest, but I've not experienced any problems. Happy Frog is a good choice too and is not as "hot" as OF.

I like FFOF because I've gotten to know the soil and have a good feel when it needs additional nutrients. We all have our ways of growing and there's no one right way of doing it.
I continually see issues here and just about everywhere else with OF(with SEEDLINGS). Why not just use Light Warrior, the intended seedling starter soil, and transplant into the OF? It's not like the seedlings will be in the starter pots for very long, and by then they should be established enough to handle it.

Personally I wouldn't waste the money on either when there are better and cheaper choices that get the job done, especially starting mixes.

I'm not knocking the way you or anyone else grows, just my observation and experience. (I too used Fox Farm products, long ago)


Well-Known Member
At this point, of just germinated, I wouldn't worry about getting runoff, until they are a week or so old.
Once they get a few roots, then you should look for runoff, but one thing to remember......
"over watering" is frequency of watering, NOT amount of water each time.
These plants like to dry out between waterings, and if you do it right, will give you a very nice rootball by 25-28 days.
Here's one of mine, at 21 days old.View attachment 2915122


New Member
So first a thanks for the previous advice.
Update on the ladies. After 56 hours all but one have not only sprouted but are about a half inch tall with both cotyledon and the first two fan leaves!
I'm running at 75% and closed the light's distance from 36" to 34". No heat issues, temps are steady 75-77 with R/H of 38-40%. Night time temps are 65-67 with a R/H of 48-50%.
I'm really on the fence here because I think they need water, which, after everything I've read tells me they DON'T!
But they will very soon. The soil still has a moist look on top but the 2 knuckle test is getting dry, not DRY DRY, but noticeably drier than this morning. It's been 56 hours since they had their first water. I'm 8 hours from lights out. Is it better to feed them at first light, mid-day or just before lights out?

When you water next after hearing my soil conditions???



Well-Known Member
Good to hear it sounds as though you've already done some research!:lol:
For another couple days, just go by the top of the soil looking dry, and wait one more day beyond that.
After about a week, I bet you'll be able to only water once a week unless you have really low humidity and warm temps.
I usually water when lights come on, because I notice most of my growth during lights off, and that also is when they seem to drink more, however, it is acceptable to do either way, whichever is easier for you to remember to check.
All your numbers you posted sound good so far.