Another Terrorist attack in France

plus how do you allow yourself to be taken, held down and have your head chopped off?
Mad muslim with big ass knife vs teacher and you wonder how the attacker won? I don’t think the teacher had much of a chance and it wasn’t a case of allowing.

Another attack in France, this time at a church. If this keeps happening America will need to bring France some "freedom".
Same attack as in your first post.
Mad muslim with big ass knife vs teacher and you wonder how the attacker won? I don’t think the teacher had much of a chance and it wasn’t a case of allowing.

Same attack as in your first post.

My bad, I guess they just got him.
Unfairly targeted. mass shooters are white men. I believe we’ve all had enough of them too.

The U.S.A mass shooting quota for this year is below average. I have a feeling they will pick up after the election.