Another Terrorist attack in France


Well-Known Member
Its easy to get lost in the virus today but after the teacher beheading in France another attack was just carried out.

Its easy to get lost in the virus today but after the teacher beheading in France another attack was just carried out.

there was a beheading?

France is not Saudi Arabia and if they wish to be in France they must follow the rules of the country or be prosecuted..if you're into beheading go back home where they allow it.

France does not allow beheadings.

problem solved.
France is not Saudi Arabia and if they wish to be in France they must follow the rules of the country or be prosecuted..if you're into beheading go back home where they allow it.

France does not allow beheadings.
True, not allowed anymore. Over a 1000 years ago though, the Franks, the invaders on which the name France is based, were pretty big on beheadings. They once beheaded 4500 pagans in one battle in an effort to teach them about their loving prophet Jesus. Thanks to the Franks, north-west europe and indirectly the US is christian. So in a way, thanks to the Franks you have evangelicals, and indirectly Trump. Now before you go “damn those Frankish mofos...”, they also beheaded lots of muslims, litterally preventing Europe, and possibly indirectly the US, from becoming muslim land, where beheadings would still be allowed. It’s a good dilemma for an ethics class, if you could go back in time would you kill all the Franks as babies?

religion will be the true end of us all.
Probably eventually yes, but we flattened the curve in the EU. Deaths are down tremendously.
Fucking disgusting. Always some type of bullshit. They should keep their bullshit ways in their bullshit countries. I don't go there to push my beliefs and where i live i abide by the laws and social norms. Stay the fuck in your bullshit if you want to act like animals. Like really.
Fucking disgusting. Always some type of bullshit. They should keep their bullshit ways in their bullshit countries. I don't go there to push my beliefs and where i live i abide by the laws and social norms. Stay the fuck in your bullshit if you want to act like animals. Like really.

I mean America invading Middle East countries since the 90s probably didn't help de-escalate the situation either.
Now this in France, where Turks are "looking" for Armenians. This is why the Trump crowd wants a Muslim ban.

Only about half the Turks support Erdogan and him re-establishing a muslim caliphate. The other half lives in large cities and the more developed coastal regions. Sounds familiar? Many Turks have been brought to Europe to rebuild after WW2, they’re barely considered immigrants or even muslims. Banning Muslims because of Turks would be silly.

I mean America invading Middle East countries since the 90s probably didn't help de-escalate the situation either.
France itself is very active militarily in several regions, including ex-colonies. It all has very little to do with Murica and Middle East. The troublemakers are mostly from former french colonies in northern Africa. In the past 60 years, since they became independent, France took military action in those regions (against islamist and jihadist) over 50 times.

The beheader is from Tunisia, which like other north african safe countries is a major source of young male immigrants who can’t legally enter EU. He came to Italy, where they gave him 7 days to leave the country. As typical, he went to another EU country instead of going home.
Only about half the Turks support Erdogan and him re-establishing a muslim caliphate. The other half lives in large cities and the more developed coastal regions. Sounds familiar? Many Turks have been brought to Europe to rebuild after WW2, they’re barely considered immigrants or even muslims. Banning Muslims because of Turks would be silly.

France itself is very active militarily in several regions, including ex-colonies. It all has very little to do with Murica and Middle East. The troublemakers are mostly from former french colonies in northern Africa. In the past 60 years, since they became independent, France took military action in those regions (against islamist and jihadist) over 50 times.

The beheader is from Tunisia, which like other north african safe countries is a major source of young male immigrants who can’t legally enter EU. He came to Italy, where they gave him 7 days to leave the country. As typical, he went to another EU country instead of going home.
Its easy to get lost in the virus today but after the teacher beheading in France another attack was just carried out.

how do they even allow this shit?..where are the police? Macron really drops the ball with this.
how do they even allow this shit?..where are the police? Macron really drops the ball with this.
:confused: Police arrived at the scene in no time, as usual in France, thanks to an alert system specifically created for situations like this. It may come as a surprise but not allowing something doesn’t mean it can’t happen, and when something happens it doesn’t mean it’s alllowed.

Maybe the second amendment works?
Yeah cause there’s no terrorist attacks and shootings at all in the US. :???: