Another stupid Facebook post results in a armed robbery.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I absolutely dislike FB. How stupid can a teenager be. If she was mine she'd be grounded for the whole summer for doing something that ignorant. She could have gotten the people she loved murdered. ~

Two robbers have paid a visit to a house in south-eastern Australia, hours after a teenager posted a photo on Facebook of a large sum of cash.

The masked men, armed with a knife and a club, struck the home of the 17-year-old girl's mother in the country town of Bundanoon on Thursday, police say.

Her mother told the men her daughter no longer lived there.

It is not clear how the robbers found the family address. The Facebook image was at the grandmother's Sydney house.
The men searched the house and took a small amount of cash and a small number of personal objects before leaving.

No-one was injured.

The girl had earlier posted a picture on her Facebook page of a "large sum of cash" she had helped count at her 72-year-old grandmother's home in Sydney, 120 km (75 miles) north-east of Bundanoon.

Following the incident, police have issued a warning over the dangers of posting sensitive information online.


Well-Known Member
So long story short the guys got away and were never caught. Facebook has been an issue since the beginning. Its just finally showing its true colors past all the advertisements and faulty updates every week.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
another thing I dislike is websites that want you to log-in to FB. I don't have a FB account and I won't sign up for one and I don't want my stuff hanging out in Twitterville either.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've started to notice that as well. Also facebook is working with banks to try and get online banking done on Facebook itself. The place that has privacy problems want to do peoples banking. They must be smoking what I'm smoking cause that's crazy stupid. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
People can be really stupid as far as what they make public on the Internet. One of the "most stupid" shows on tru tv showed a clip of a news story where girl scouts selling cookies were robbed of their cash by two teenage girls. The girls came back to the scene of the crime and bragged on camera that they needed money so they took it, and that they'd do it again.

Of course, they ended up in jail for being incredibly dumb


Well-Known Member
WorldStarHipHop.Com is an example of that place. Plenty of videos of people doing idiotic things on camera. It's like they tell their friends to bring a camera to film (and also turn them accomplice depending on the crime) them doing something stupid like getting revenge on someone and beating them bloody.
Without a doubt, "social networking" is the absolute worst thing to have come of the tech revolution. I lmao'd when Facebook's stock took a nosedive after going public a few months back. I'll never have a fb / twitter / etc. account.


Well-Known Member
I love my facebook,It helps me get a lot of late night sex,hop on at 2 in the morning and look for the girls posting some ho ass status.
Nobody can find out my real name on it cause I don't got it up there and I got none of that gps/location bullshit enabled so it doesn't say where im at.Facebook is fine if you're not stupid,it only shows stuff about you that you want it to.I also got in contact with a lot of old friends that I wouldn't of ever seen again if it weren't for facebook,just use it for keeping in contact with old friends and women and you won't have no drama.I used to hate it but it grew on me.

The girl who posted all that money was asking for something bad to happen,can't blame facebook cause she's a dumb bitch lol.


Well-Known Member
I deactivated my facebook when I fell inove with rollitup, it just felt like I was cheating on RIU everytime I logged into FB :lol:


Well-Known Member
And for the record if you pose with money you're broke and aren't used to having it............... FACT!