Another satisfied 19-4-23 grower.

This denny from Face book!! HOLY SHIT...I'm sure he is a good guy. but 1000000% if that nutrient had a dick. That man would let it stomach punch him from top to bottom EVERY FUCKING DAY! I'm on a few dozen cannabis groups to help ppl out. (not going to last long with all the idiots however) NO MATTER WHAT...If the OP is asking whats wrong with their plants or even whipsers a mention of nutrients. This guy gets the bat signal and comes in hot as hell and just starts deepthoating the information on everyone. If they are a new grower. he almost always get them with his awful looking plants. Every new grower see's quantity over quality.

You guys should be thankful that your not on any of these retarded facebook groups. 90% of the ppl in that group are all amature grower (nobody is surprised) almost ALL of them think you can spray shit on a flowering plant and it'll be fine to smoke.

He has his own group and literally copy/paste all his information like a telemarketer. if you look at the media portion. 99% of it is all mids. there is 1 or 2 growers who actually have quality cannabis.

who the fuck DON"T like there nutrients they've been using for years...the difference is we don't shove it down everyone's thoat.

Best review ever
This denny from Face book!! HOLY SHIT...I'm sure he is a good guy. but 1000000% if that nutrient had a dick. That man would let it stomach punch him from top to bottom EVERY FUCKING DAY! I'm on a few dozen cannabis groups to help ppl out. (not going to last long with all the idiots however) NO MATTER WHAT...If the OP is asking whats wrong with their plants or even whipsers a mention of nutrients. This guy gets the bat signal and comes in hot as hell and just starts deepthoating the information on everyone. If they are a new grower. he almost always get them with his awful looking plants. Every new grower see's quantity over quality.

You guys should be thankful that your not on any of these retarded facebook groups. 90% of the ppl in that group are all amature grower (nobody is surprised) almost ALL of them think you can spray shit on a flowering plant and it'll be fine to smoke.

He has his own group and literally copy/paste all his information like a telemarketer. if you look at the media portion. 99% of it is all mids. there is 1 or 2 growers who actually have quality cannabis.

who the fuck DON"T like there nutrients they've been using for years...the difference is we don't shove it down everyone's thoat.
Man this is like the best I've read in a while. Please screenshot some of the good shot and post it.
You know you can leave them, right?

Its seriously getting close to that at this point. The real issue is when someone asks for help. you give them legit help and then 15 other ppl give bogus he said/she said information they heard from a weed documentary or something. Like. I love helping ppl but its how can you when all they do is argue with you or go with some knuckle heads advise because its affordable. Takes the wind out of your "help" pipes.
I followed those nightmare threads. I am a new grower that just wants an easy inexpensive grow. I'm also cursed with an engineering brain with ADD, so some topics make me want to do a deep dive like I'm in the Marianna trench looking for new species. What I have been unable to find is, what makes one synthetic fertilizer safe and another not. Are there sources/types of minerals you look for on a label that make you avoid them like its a spider mite that just wants to crash at your place for 1 night? For instance, at one point in said thread, somebody said get that petroleum shit out of here(something along those lines). What is it that he sees on a label that makes him say that? I understand that some sources may be more bio-available, but am more interested in differences that may lead to someone not smoking bud made with one synthetic fertilizer but smoking another made from a different synthetic for health reasons. Not just because they think so but because of some verifiable reason backed with evidence. Not sure if this information exists. If you don't know the answer please don't just tell me to go organic if I am worried about it - I am not worried about it, I just want to know. Of course I had to make a spreadsheet. Thanks for any input!

Lively crowd
My tip is to learn basic chemistry and plant biology and come back after a couple of hundreds of hours.

It's the manufacturing process that's important and what's not listed on the label. There's always small minute residues you don't want in traditional salt based fertilizer but the concentrations are very low and don't cause any concerns or problems.

Metals like lead and cadmium is often detectable in small amounts, that doesn't mean it's dangerous or anything, especially if used properly.
Here’s what’s baffling to me. As a grower you can look at your plant and know if it looks good or not. How come they don’t know? Please explain the best you can.
Are you one of the few in the world who doesn't like burnt ends? I mean it is absolutely delicious when done right...

oh shit we are talking cannabis here huh... nm I agree.
Are you one of the few in the world who doesn't like burnt ends? I mean it is absolutely delicious when done right...

oh shit we are talking cannabis here huh... nm I agree.
I’ve never had “burnt ends” but it looks amazing. That post was more about needing to have some self reflection.
I’ve never had “burnt ends” but it looks amazing. That post was more about needing to have some self reflection.

I know, I am just stoned and laughing my ass off at this thread. Funniest one I have entered in a long time but now I got the munchiez and burnt ends sounds friggin amazing.
I know, I am just stoned and laughing my ass off at this thread. Funniest one I have entered in a long time but now I got the munchiez and burnt ends sounds friggin amazing.
Great now I’m in the mood to bbq and I have no grill. Guess I will take a bunch of caps and forget about everything we just talked about :hump: Otherwise I’m going to get sad.
There is f all wrong with those plants. Should nutrients simply be a matter of each to their own. If he's growing with it and the plants are healthy who is anyone to tell him that he's wrong. Let's remember that none of us know everything about growing and we are all just jerking off our egos if we think we have the right to criticise others.