Another Noob

Hey there! So, first post on the forum. My name is Jessica. Been about six/seven years since I smoked regularly, but in the last three months or so I've smoked twice now. Been wanting to dive back in, mainly for medical reasons.

I don't live too far from the IL/IA Quad Cities (United States) From what I've been told an eighth of some pretty mediocre quality stuff costs way too much around here, though I might have been told wrong, but regardless I may end up trying to grow my own, however my goal is to find a particular strain that meshes well with my body's chemical make up first.

I've got a list of strains I'd like to try that sound promising, but I have a feeling finding them will be a pain in the backside, lol. I'll list them (cuz I'm a nerd like that) and if anybody has any input on my list that would be amazing...or if you just wanted to say hey, that would be cool too. I'm always open to a good chit chat as well, I work third shift and have a lot of time on my hands.

Cactus Cooler
Magnum Pi
Cluster Bomb
Alpha Express
Crater Lake
Durban Berry
Orange Diesel
Purple Champagne
Grape Krush
Red Haze
Cambodian Haze