Another newbie with questions

Hi,thanks for the add I'm hoping this is finally the place I can get all my answers and advice,I've just started my 1st grow (indoor)I made the mistake of trying to run before I could walk (namely a hydro grow) so now using a soil combination.

Chronic the Hemphog

Well-Known Member
I did the same thing and killed numerous plants before I went with soil. Wished I would have gone straight to soil. Evaporation messed me up bigtime. PH swings and nutrient burn like mad. Soil is more forgiving to the beginner. Just keep a close eye on your pH and the TDS of your nutes and you'll be fine.
I'll be honest it wasn't me who wanted hydro (someone else put the ££ to do it all)but it's me who's gotta do it,I've had to lay a complete floor in attic 1st and after killing a few expensive seeds I decided to try and make life easier for me(I've a few serious health problems)