Another nail in that blue wave coffin GDP forecast is 4.8%

It is scary you claim to be a libertarian and you do not even know the parties platform. You sir need to do some research. I did when i was looking at Gary Johnston last cycle did not take me long to go nope. Bat Shit crazy platform.

I do not blindly follow any political party. I am not, nor will I ever be a person to jump on any political parties bandwagon. I'm a middle of the road guy. The far left is a bunch of whack jobs, and the far right are ignorant pigs. I'll stay in the middle with the rest of the intelligent sane people, thank you very much.
I do not blindly follow any political party. I am not, nor will I ever be a person to jump on any political parties bandwagon. I'm a middle of the road guy. The far left is a bunch of whack jobs, and the far right are ignorant pigs. I'll stay in the middle with the rest of the intelligent sane people, thank you very much.
Then you should not post this!!!!!!!


It says hey look I AM a Libertarian. Look how great it is it cheery picks from both sides..........I have no idea with their platform is but this image is just great look at it.
Then you should not post this!!!!!!!


It says hey look I AM a Libertarian. Look how great it is it cheery picks from both sides..........I have no idea with their platform is but this image is just great look at it.

Then what is your definition for someone who is neither far left, nor far right?

Libertarianism is a made up philosophy that supports the Republican status quo. It's completely unworkable idea and used to sheepdog conservatives back to supporting the right wing agenda.

If you look at the keeper of the Libertarian canon, the Von Mises Institute's web page they explicitly say they reject science and mathematics in favor of their axioms. Small wonder they reject science and math because both of those disciplines prove their core beliefs are untrue and completely baseless. It's just another Koch Bros propaganda scheme.

Tell me, where in the world has there ever been a successful society that was wholly based upon liberarianism?
What a crock of shit.........lets see what you left off the list for liberals:

1. Murder millions of babies by abortion

2. Use gov. agencies against political parties they don't agree with

3. Do whatever is necessary to win elections including lie, cheat and jail opponents

4. Brainwash the youth of the nation for reach long term goals

I'm leaving out the 50 items to leave you room to respond.
You just described trumps campaign perfectly

Except when trump paid off his hookers to have abortions it wasn’t murder. Murdering babies is illegal sweetheart
Then you should not post this!!!!!!!


It says hey look I AM a Libertarian. Look how great it is it cheery picks from both sides..........I have no idea with their platform is but this image is just great look at it.