Another Murder Of An African American Because of Fucked Up Laws At The Hands Of A Cop!

I can argue against it cause it's an incredibly stupid idea and merely a rationalization for your particular social pathology. No government, local or national on the fucking planet works the way you figure it should for a reason, it's a dumb idea that doesn't work. Free market cops are like free market prisons, they don't work and are an abrogation of the state's responsibility for you while you are in their custody. Same song Rob, you have a very limited repertoire and no impact whatsoever.

That's not a very astute rebuttal. In fact, it is laden with ignorance.

Free market cops are not like free market prisons, because free market prisons don't exist. Instead, what exists are government backed corporations, feeding off all of the victimless crime laws (put in place by government) . That's a crony capitalist thing, which is entirely different from an actual free market thing. You're welcome, bonehead.

Your fundamental understanding of things, is quite low. Quite low.
That's not a very astute rebuttal. In fact, it is laden with ignorance.

Free market cops are not like free market prisons, because free market prisons don't exist. Instead, what exists are government backed corporations, feeding off all of the victimless crime laws (put in place by government) . That's a crony capitalist thing, which is entirely different from an actual free market thing. You're welcome, bonehead.

Your fundamental understanding of things, is quite low. Quite low.
Same social pathology Rob same rationalizations, I'm more interested in your issues than the bullshit you blather. Point to an example of where things work the way you say they should? If it's such a wonderful idea it should have spread far and wide by now.
Same social pathology Rob same rationalizations, I'm more interested in your issues than the bullshit you blather. Point to an example of where things work the way you say they should? If it's such a wonderful idea it should have spread far and wide by now.

Consensual sex.

Grocery stores.

In both examples the involved parties interact on a voluntary and consensual basis. Both involve choices and mutual assent of the involved parties, if that doesn't exist, then no interaction takes place. Both examples "allow" the involved parties to seek other alternatives.

In both situations they are worldwide everyday common occurrences.

You're welcome.
Consensual sex.

Grocery stores.

In both examples the involved parties interact on a voluntary and consensual basis. Both involve choices and mutual assent of the involved parties, if that doesn't exist, then no interaction takes place. Both examples "allow" the involved parties to seek other alternatives.

In both situations they are worldwide everyday common occurrences.

You're welcome.
You are a convicted child rapist by all accounts, that means nonconsensual sex, at least according to the law and the morals of all decent people.

Grocery stores and what they sell are regulated by the state or you would be getting food poisoning. Capitalism only works under law and regulation, you don't even need democracy, just responsible government that knows it's arse from a hole in the ground. The state are who enforces the contracts and agreements between people in a free society, otherwise might is right. The might of the government is our might and individuals have no rights at all, compared to the collective rights of all the people. This is history and fact, you exist in a fantasy world, this is how the real one works Rob.
You are a convicted child rapist by all accounts, that means nonconsensual sex, at least according to the law and the morals of all decent people.

Grocery stores and what they sell are regulated by the state or you would be getting food poisoning. Capitalism only works under law and regulation, you don't even need democracy, just responsible government that knows it's arse from a hole in the ground. The state are who enforces the contracts and agreements between people in a free society, otherwise might is right. The might of the government is our might and individuals have no rights at all, compared to the collective rights of all the people. This is history and fact, you exist in a fantasy world, this is how the real one works Rob.

I'm afraid you are slandering me and not discussing things in an intellectually honest way, you flaccid old man.

I'm going to take a time out and see if you can educate yourself just a little bit, so that our conversations can be more productive.

Not to be mean, but your poor grasp of the subject matter and childish attitude is making it difficult to have an exchange of ideas. Not to mention your ideas are unoriginal and history has shown doomed to failure, again and again and again. I may try again after you lay off the multiple session penis pump forays, maybe your brain will have more oxygen for us to work with then.
Free market cops and prisons? How could that work?With police I think it would mean Free for All,you think it's bad now you'd have quasi Marshall/Vigilante/Dirty Harry all rolled into oneIMO w/no semblance of standards or protocal.Every day would be a Rodney King riot. As for prisons, outsourcing to private co's has been disastrous, These co's are profit driven and squeeze every$ leading to bad food,bad staffing, bad inmate med. care,bad infrastructure upkeep etc. That has been one of the most ludicrous decisions made at state level to privatize prisons. Incarceratyed people are the responsibility of the state that incarcerates them no ifs,buts,or maybes.ccguns
Free market cops and prisons? How could that work?With police I think it would mean Free for All,you think it's bad now you'd have quasi Marshall/Vigilante/Dirty Harry all rolled into oneIMO w/no semblance of standards or protocal.Every day would be a Rodney King riot. As for prisons, outsourcing to private co's has been disastrous, These co's are profit driven and squeeze every$ leading to bad food,bad staffing, bad inmate med. care,bad infrastructure upkeep etc. That has been one of the most ludicrous decisions made at state level to privatize prisons. Incarceratyed people are the responsibility of the state that incarcerates them no ifs,buts,or maybes.ccguns

You are applying what exists in the present, crony capitalism, government controls et al to a free market situation / discussion. In other words you don't know what a free market is and are basically engaging in a form of straw manning, perhaps unintentionally.

Something else to ponder, hence the video.

I'm afraid you are slandering me and not discussing things in an intellectually honest way,
I said by all accounts, you've been doxed by members and mentioned consensual sex first.

I have been honest and have repeatedly asked you to point to examples of where your libertarian utopia exists. Utopia is a good name for it too, because in Greek it means "nowhere".
I said by all accounts, you've been doxed by members and mentioned consensual sex first.

I have been honest and have repeatedly asked you to point to examples of where your libertarian utopia exists. Utopia is a good name for it too, because in Greek it means "nowhere".

You're flailing about in an absurd manner, I suggest removing the gerbils first before commencing in further attempts to make a fool of yourself in a conversation you are dangerously over your head in.

You haven't been honest, in either your pedo allegations or in your laughably lame "arguments".

I may return to eviscerate you intellectually, but first I need to finish up potting a few things. Perhaps you could ask Lord Fauci for forgiveness and wait patiently for me to return you quivering bowl of gelatinous wrinkled flesh ?
Police today have little market accountability.

Even if you replace a bad cop with another cop, not much will change. That's accurate because the underlying involuntary system which is flawed, due to it's contradictory coercion based nature remains unchanged.
This gun flaunting gang member had a warrant for choking and robbing a woman who let him and his friend stay the night after a party because he didn't have a ride home. He overheard the kind host say she had to withdraw $800. for rent and he choked and robbed his host. I'm glad it worked out they way it did, karma got that scum bag good.
You seem confused.

There is a fundamental difference between a free market and an unfree captured market. I would explain it to you, but I don't want to come off as a know it all and make you feel bad.

Sure you'd explain it, but when someone questions you to the point that you fiiiiiiiiiinally need to actually explain something, all you do is post stupid memes.
This gun flaunting gang member had a warrant for choking and robbing a woman who let him and his friend stay the night after a party because he didn't have a ride home. He overheard the kind host say she had to withdraw $800. for rent and he choked and robbed his host. I'm glad it worked out they way it did, karma got that scum bag good.
Are you talking about Adam Toledo? He was 13, your talking about the older guy with him right, he’s just in jail he isn’t dead Adam is, a 13 year old kid. The other guy is in jail which is a second home to them, he’s perfectly fine
Police reform seems pretty easy in my eyes. Abolish qualified immunity and make cops liable for 100% of civil lawsuits.
They will now have to operate like doctors. You fuck a few people up.... get sued, then your premium goes up.
If you you fuck up real bad, like say a doctor who operates while intoxicated, you become immediately a high risk and uninsurable.
So this will solve the Blue Line Gang keeping bad officers in rotation by bouncing them around departments.
Once the guy is a high risk and uninsurable I doubt he will risk his whole net worth on a job.
Sure you'd explain it, but when someone questions you to the point that you fiiiiiiiiiinally need to actually explain something, all you do is post stupid memes.

Do you really need an explanation why the actual free market and what exists today a fucked up mix of crony capitalism / socialism / fascism are different ?

Stupid memes? I suggest you could learn a thing or two from Walter Williams. (the Marilyn Monroe video a few posts back)