Another Murder Of An African American Because of Fucked Up Laws At The Hands Of A Cop!

White paper from 2019 (using data from 2015) on race + fatal shootings, comparing race of the officer, person shot, and variables such as area demographics etc.

I took a look at it.

Ignore Taco's response. It's not a bad paper. It's quite good, IMO.

The paper does bog itself down in jargon, though. The term "race-specific" violent crime was a bit opaque. I think what they mean by that is they identified the race of the people who committed each violent crime and compared the likelihood (odds) of Black, Hispanic and white people being shot by police or by civilians. They further divided the data by county.

Counties with high rates of white people committing violent crime have high rates of white people being shot. Same pattern goes for Black and Hispanic communities. If those communities are rife with violent crimes, then shootings go up for the people who live in those communities. I mean, duh.

What I don't get from this paper is: What does that have to do with the fact that Black people are being shot by cops at much higher rates (26%) than they represent in the population (12%)?

If your answer is: "Black people tend to live in higher crime areas and so tend to be shot more often by police", maybe we should seek an alternative to armed police patrols. Maybe we should go after the social issues that lead to higher crime rates? That's what BLM is saying. That's what people meant when they coined the politically poisonous term "defund the police".

Anyway, if you think the paper disproves the claim that there is racial bias in police shootings, you are extrapolating beyond the limits of that paper. You would also be ignoring the hundreds of better studies that show there is racial bias in police shootings, and in our society itself.

There’s overwhelming evidence that the criminal justice system is racist. Here’s the proof.

He lists 120 studies demonstrating racial bias in the criminal-justice system.

In a follow-up article, the same author lists 21 more studies on bias in our criminal justice system, including the one you cited here.

Your paper is one of a very small number that claims there is no racial bias in policing. That is what I find interesting about your post. It references one paper that (I guess) agrees with your bias and ignores a mountain of research that says otherwise. I'm not saying you are a Trumper but that's what they do all the time.

In any case, the objective of Black Lives Matter movement is to reduce the high rates of cops harassing, brutalizing, shooting and beating of Black people. The paper quite rightly points at high crime rates as one significant factor, so the causes of high crime rates -- poverty for example -- should be addressed.
You have 3 cops yelling at you to stop, guns drawn, yet you think... hmm I'm just going to hop in my car and drive away now...

Not trying to justify anything here.... I just don't understand. The kid had warrants. He was stopped. Why resist? Why cause a situation that might get you killed.

I'm so sick of this shit.
resisting arrest isn't a capital offense.
I took a look at it.

Ignore Taco's response. It's not a bad paper. It's quite good, IMO.

The paper does bog itself down in jargon, though. The term "race-specific" violent crime was a bit opaque. I think what they mean by that is they identified the race of the people who committed each violent crime and compared the likelihood (odds) of Black, Hispanic and white people being shot by police or by civilians. They further divided the data by county.

Counties with high rates of white people committing violent crime have high rates of white people being shot. Same pattern goes for Black and Hispanic communities. If those communities are rife with violent crimes, then shootings go up for the people who live in those communities. I mean, duh.

What I don't get from this paper is: What does that have to do with the fact that Black people are being shot by cops at much higher rates (26%) than they represent in the population (12%)?

If your answer is: "Black people tend to live in higher crime areas and so tend to be shot more often by police", maybe we should seek an alternative to armed police patrols. Maybe we should go after the social issues that lead to higher crime rates? That's what BLM is saying. That's what people meant when they coined the politically poisonous term "defund the police".

Anyway, if you think the paper disproves the claim that there is racial bias in police shootings, you are extrapolating beyond the limits of that paper. You would also be ignoring the hundreds of better studies that show there is racial bias in police shootings, and in our society itself.

There’s overwhelming evidence that the criminal justice system is racist. Here’s the proof.

He lists 120 studies demonstrating racial bias in the criminal-justice system.

In a follow-up article, the same author lists 21 more studies on bias in our criminal justice system, including the one you cited here.

Your paper is one of a very small number that claims there is no racial bias in policing. That is what I find interesting about your post. It references one paper that (I guess) agrees with your bias and ignores a mountain of research that says otherwise. I'm not saying you are a Trumper but that's what they do all the time.

In any case, the objective of Black Lives Matter movement is to reduce the high rates of cops harassing, brutalizing, shooting and beating of Black people. The paper quite rightly points at high crime rates as one significant factor, so the causes of high crime rates -- poverty for example -- should be addressed.
i just learned lately that Denver is now sending out mental health workers instead of cops to deal with those types of 911 calls. i think portland or seattle does this too now?
That movie was so bad because it was so good :eyesmoke:
dude, seen that at least 20 times. love it! that redhead lady has those creepy but sexy eyes. lol

and i met rowdy piper at a delta crown room in atlanta (i was hammered off a flight back from europe) and he had that same leather jacket on from the movie. i went up to him and said hey and mentioned the movie. lol.
I took a look at it.

Ignore Taco's response. It's not a bad paper. It's quite good, IMO.

The paper does bog itself down in jargon, though. The term "race-specific" violent crime was a bit opaque. I think what they mean by that is they identified the race of the people who committed each violent crime and compared the likelihood (odds) of Black, Hispanic and white people being shot by police or by civilians. They further divided the data by county.

Counties with high rates of white people committing violent crime have high rates of white people being shot. Same pattern goes for Black and Hispanic communities. If those communities are rife with violent crimes, then shootings go up for the people who live in those communities. I mean, duh.

What I don't get from this paper is: What does that have to do with the fact that Black people are being shot by cops at much higher rates (26%) than they represent in the population (12%)?

If your answer is: "Black people tend to live in higher crime areas and so tend to be shot more often by police", maybe we should seek an alternative to armed police patrols. Maybe we should go after the social issues that lead to higher crime rates? That's what BLM is saying. That's what people meant when they coined the politically poisonous term "defund the police".

Anyway, if you think the paper disproves the claim that there is racial bias in police shootings, you are extrapolating beyond the limits of that paper. You would also be ignoring the hundreds of better studies that show there is racial bias in police shootings, and in our society itself.

There’s overwhelming evidence that the criminal justice system is racist. Here’s the proof.

He lists 120 studies demonstrating racial bias in the criminal-justice system.

In a follow-up article, the same author lists 21 more studies on bias in our criminal justice system, including the one you cited here.

Your paper is one of a very small number that claims there is no racial bias in policing. That is what I find interesting about your post. It references one paper that (I guess) agrees with your bias and ignores a mountain of research that says otherwise. I'm not saying you are a Trumper but that's what they do all the time.

In any case, the objective of Black Lives Matter movement is to reduce the high rates of cops harassing, brutalizing, shooting and beating of Black people. The paper quite rightly points at high crime rates as one significant factor, so the causes of high crime rates -- poverty for example -- should be addressed.
Another small point: why is it NEVER a black cop that does it?
I was just being a dick. I am all for reduced police violence and reformed policing across the board.
dude, seen that at least 20 times. love it! that redhead lady has those creepy but sexy eyes. lol

and i met rowdy piper at a delta crown room in atlanta (i was hammered off a flight back from europe) and he had that same leather jacket on from the movie. i went up to him and said hey and mentioned the movie. lol.
Meg Foster. So old now. I miss Roddy but at least David Keith is still around. More movies like that are needed. Cheap but fun and slightly interesting :eyesmoke:
i just learned lately that Denver is now sending out mental health workers instead of cops to deal with those types of 911 calls. i think portland or seattle does this too now?
They have been doing that in Eugene, OR for a while and Portland just recently adopted the model.

The team can always call for backup if workers need police assistance – they’re on the police radio system – but those occasions are rare. Of the 24,000 calls CAHOOTS responded to in 2019, only 360, or 1.5%, required police backup, Black said. Half of those cases only required police to conduct an involuntary psychiatric hold.

Interaction with CAHOOTS is voluntary, Black said.

“We enter into our interactions with community members on a foundation of mutual trust and with an objective of the least intervention necessary to find immediate de-escalation and stabilization,” Black said.

“That’s different from an officer who was trained through the academy, and this mentality is ingrained in them as a patrol officer, that they are a warrior and that they need to assume that every interaction they have with a community member could potentially become fatal, and to assume that it will become violent and potentially fatal.”
Meg Foster. So old now. I miss Roddy but at least David Keith is still around. More movies like that are needed. Cheap but fun and slightly interesting :eyesmoke:
damn, i had to look her up. and i totally forgot that was a john carpenter film too.
They have been doing that in Eugene, OR for a while and Portland just recently adopted the model.

The team can always call for backup if workers need police assistance – they’re on the police radio system – but those occasions are rare. Of the 24,000 calls CAHOOTS responded to in 2019, only 360, or 1.5%, required police backup, Black said. Half of those cases only required police to conduct an involuntary psychiatric hold.

Interaction with CAHOOTS is voluntary, Black said.

“We enter into our interactions with community members on a foundation of mutual trust and with an objective of the least intervention necessary to find immediate de-escalation and stabilization,” Black said.

“That’s different from an officer who was trained through the academy, and this mentality is ingrained in them as a patrol officer, that they are a warrior and that they need to assume that every interaction they have with a community member could potentially become fatal, and to assume that it will become violent and potentially fatal.”
more of this needed across the country. but that's probably considered the big bad Socialism from the pro death penalty righties.
You have 3 cops yelling at you to stop, guns drawn, yet you think... hmm I'm just going to hop in my car and drive away now...

Not trying to justify anything here.... I just don't understand. The kid had warrants. He was stopped. Why

You sound like you're a white guy. It's easy for you not to understand and say something like that

I would imagine because he was a black kid that he was scared shitless of the police, that's why he ran. I wonder why he would be scared? Oh that's right, maybe because cops treat black folks differently than white folks.
You have 3 cops yelling at you to stop, guns drawn, yet you think... hmm I'm just going to hop in my car and drive away now...

Not trying to justify anything here.... I just don't understand. The kid had warrants. He was stopped. Why resist? Why cause a situation that might get you killed.

I'm so sick of this shit.

Imagine if he shot her or killed her by kneeling on her neck for 9 minutes.
You have 3 cops yelling at you to stop, guns drawn, yet you think... hmm I'm just going to hop in my car and drive away now...

Not trying to justify anything here.... I just don't understand. The kid had warrants. He was stopped. Why resist? Why cause a situation that might get you killed.

I'm so sick of this shit.
If you aren't a African American then I'd shut the fuck up on this one. Going to jail isn't fun and being confronted by cops when you are a African American is gonna be way worse than if you were white. I've yelled till my face hurt at a cop or two in my life and got away with it cause I was I white and right in doing so. I guarantee if I was black I'd likely have been killed or at least seriously fucked up and taken to jail even if I was right in doing so. That's fucked up. Cops yell at you when demanding you do what they want from you which only adds to the the stress of the situation. The guy had a panic attack when faced with the situation, just because someone does so doesn't justify him being killed by a poorly trained cop who didn't know the difference from a glock vs a taser. Again all because of a minor possession ticket and because he was black! FTP!
A fellow I know got pulled over and for whatever reason thought it was a good idea to jump out and started walking towards the cop to talk to him and the cop was on the PA saying, "get back in your car dude" and that was the end of it, no big deal. Can anyone guess what color he was?
I got the impression from watching this video that it was an academy award performance by the cops for the benefit of their body cams. From the one who was ineptly and oddly clumsy with the cuffs in front of an open car door and conveniently then moved out of the way, to the shouted "taser" with a hand gun in an experienced cop's hands and the far too quick to shoot attitude. I think cops are taking body cam footage into account now and are adapting rather than changing. She has an "out" and so do the other cops. At the minimum it was a stunning level of incompetence and this person should never have been a cop, if stress did that to them and they completely lost their heads.

That was my "impression" of the video and incident, perhaps I'm wrong, but perhaps my subconscious is trying to tell me something too. Also, I don't think you can "train away" the inherent biases of some people and they need to be screened before hiring and monitored after. Removing their protections under the law and limiting the power of the unions would be a good idea too, they earned it. Also a national bad cop registry, once you are fired in one jurisdiction you cannot work in policing or related fields again. A quit now before we fire your ass would be a good idea, with proper incentives and disincentives, resignations go on the bad cop registry too.

Treating citizens with disrespect and bad manners is unprofessional and harms the profession and other cops and every incident should come with a fine, no complain required, just the body and car cam footage. All body cam footage should be examined in a timely manner by community volunteers and retired professionals, that might include a decent retired cop with a record as clean as a cat's asshole. A dog that barks bites, the same should apply to cops.
Bodycam footage released in police killing of Daunte Wright

The killing of Daunte Wright, 20, is at least the third high-profile death of a Black man during a police encounter in the Minneapolis area since 2016, after the shooting of Philando Castile in Falcon Heights in 2016 and the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis last year.
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