Another Murder Of An African American Because of Fucked Up Laws At The Hands Of A Cop!

A person should not die over a minor ANYTHING....
Other countries see it as it is.. Rascism.. And don't worry, it is happening in my country too, just not so blatently as in the USA.
FFS, lets treat humans as friends, despite what shades their skin maybe.. Be pro active in this. Give that extra smile to those that are different.. Let them feel loved, not feared.
A person should not die over a minor possession ticket for any drug! FUCK THE POLICE!
This will be addressed, it's just adding to the pile and fueling police and justice reform. Liberal democracies almost always evolve for the better. Liberalism is a historic process and trend that started before America was founded, in deed liberalism was the cause. America didn't rebel, it's elected legislatures did and they were around for awhile, the same thing with independent courts and jury trials by ones peers. Over time more and more people were included, including, blacks, women, native Americans and LBGQT people now too. You are witnessing this process in action now with the election of a new type of government with a liberal agenda and that will be followed by changes in policy and law. You are part of a historic process and trend, progress can only happen so fast with almost half the country driven mad with racism and stupidity.
You have 3 cops yelling at you to stop, guns drawn, yet you think... hmm I'm just going to hop in my car and drive away now...

Not trying to justify anything here.... I just don't understand. The kid had warrants. He was stopped. Why resist? Why cause a situation that might get you killed.

I'm so sick of this shit.
And our life isn't everyone's life. Most people lose their job being in jail for just 30 days, which could lead to having no place to live. It can be a pretty major life upset. Some folks think the risk is worth it, but they're probably just reacting and not thinking much at all.
You have 3 cops yelling at you to stop, guns drawn, yet you think... hmm I'm just going to hop in my car and drive away now...

Not trying to justify anything here.... I just don't understand. The kid had warrants. He was stopped. Why resist? Why cause a situation that might get you killed.

I'm so sick of this shit.
Kids do dumb things, it doesnt justify the murder of another unarmed black person.
If I get pulled over, I try my hardest to be as polite and neutral as possible. I roll my window down, so they can see my hands in the mirror walking up. I really don't want an idea of anything to start.

i mentioned this strategy awhile ago and caught some from @Fogdog ..i wonder if he still feels the same?

(now Foggy you know i love you, but at least there's a chance of survival with the above. everyone keeps saying 'don't shoot' and concerned about saying it when just listening and complying- no one likes it not even a cop wife, but she does it anyway).
i mentioned this strategy awhile ago and caught some from @Fogdog ..i wonder if he still feels the same?

(now Foggy you know i love you, but at least there's a chance of survival with the above. everyone keeps saying 'don't shoot' and concerned about saying it when just listening and complying- no one likes it not even a cop wife, but she does it anyway).
Black people should comply so they aren't murdered, good strategy schutard
Haven't been here that long, but hasn't schuylaar earned enough interweb credits to not be immediately thought of as a 'tard at the first sign of disagreement?
i mentioned this strategy awhile ago and caught some from @Fogdog ..i wonder if he still feels the same?

(now Foggy you know i love you, but at least there's a chance of survival with the above. everyone keeps saying 'don't shoot' and concerned about saying it when just listening and complying- no one likes it not even a cop wife, but she does it anyway).
One can't blame a person who was murdered no good reason for being murdered. It doesn't matter that the kid didn't comply. We pay and give cops license to use deadly force when appropriate and what went on right there wasn't an appropriate offense.

Compare what happened when LaVoy Finicum was shot and killed during the ending phase of the armed occupation at the Malheur Wildlife Reserve

The guy keeps putting his hands into his coat. In that case, everyone paused and gave the guy every chance to come out of the incident alive. But he kept putting his hands into his jacket in exactly the place where a gun would be holstered. In this case, I can see the reason for deadly force and blame Finicum for the shooting.

I am very sorry for the abuse you suffered at the hands of your former cop-husband. There is no justification for that. If you said something that caused him to hit you, then the blame is not shared between the two of you. It's all on him. Guys CAN and DO control themselves when they want to. Just like those cops that shot Finicum. They waited until there was no alternative and then the cop took him down.
The problem with that is even when they do they're still killed.

Running is the only chance they have.

Another small point: why is it NEVER a black cop that does it?

White paper from 2019 (using data from 2015) on race + fatal shootings, comparing race of the officer, person shot, and variables such as area demographics etc.

There is widespread concern about racial disparities in fatal officer-involved shootings and that these disparities reflect discrimination by White officers. Existing databases of fatal shootings lack information about officers, and past analytic approaches have made it difficult to assess the contributions of factors like crime. We create a comprehensive database of officers involved in fatal shootings during 2015 and predict victim race from civilian, officer, and county characteristics. We find no evidence of anti-Black or anti-Hispanic disparities across shootings, and White officers are not more likely to shoot minority civilians than non-White officers. Instead, race-specific crime strongly predicts civilian race. This suggests that increasing diversity among officers by itself is unlikely to reduce racial disparity in police shootings.
White paper from 2019 (using data from 2015) on race + fatal shootings, comparing race of the officer, person shot, and variables such as area demographics etc.

So they conclude that increased diversity wont end racial disparities in shootings, after they claim there are no racial disparities in shootings

no wonder you retards believed everything trump said and never stopped sucking his dick
White paper from 2019 (using data from 2015) on race + fatal shootings, comparing race of the officer, person shot, and variables such as area demographics etc.

A theoretical paper written to defend white officers based on data from 6 years ago is complete bullshit when it comes to trying to defend the open season white officers have had on unarmed black men since Trump took office in 2016, the year after that data was compiled.

A theoretical paper written to defend white officers based on data from 6 years ago is complete bullshit when it comes to trying to defend the open season white officers have had on unarmed black men since Trump took office in 2016, the year after that data was compiled.

Because you feel white officers turned up the heat in 2016 to kill minorities? Was it always a problem or just started in 2016? Not defending cops that shoot people, pointing out an answer to your question.