Another mass shooting by a muslim, walmart in texas.


Well-Known Member
Sure sounds like a gun control problem to me. Not a religiously motivated hate problem at all.

This shit didn't happen when Bush was president.

Get that commie fascist black muslim out of the white house and lets get an American back in who has the brains and the balls call this what it is.

Undecided until today, Trump 2016


Well-Known Member
Sure sounds like a gun control problem to me. Not a religiously motivated hate problem at all.

This shit didn't happen when Bush was president.

Get that commie fascist black muslim out of the white house and lets get an American back in who has the brains and the balls call this what it is.

Undecided until today, Trump 2016
Oh so that's the problem! If Obama just called it Islamic extremism (he did), everything would be all better!

And did you forget that the biggest terrorist attack in American history took place under George Bush's watch?


Well-Known Member
Sure sounds like a gun control problem to me. Not a religiously motivated hate problem at all.

This shit didn't happen when Bush was president.

Get that commie fascist black muslim out of the white house and lets get an American back in who has the brains and the balls call this what it is.

Undecided until today, Trump 2016
Apparently rolling your forehead over the keyboard hoping something poignant appears has failed you yet again!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh so that's the problem! If Obama just called it Islamic extremism (he did), everything would be all better!

And did you forget that the biggest terrorist attack in American history took place under George Bush's watch?
A plan that was years in the works happened in the first year of his presidency and not another ameican died from jihad on American soil.


Well-Known Member
A plan that was years in the works happened in the first year of his presidency and not another ameican died from jihad on American soil.
5,000 of them died in Iraq and Afghanistan because of George Bush's foreign policy disaster

What exactly is the implication you're making? That we should still be in Iraq losing a battle of attrition while our country goes bankrupt back here at home?

Here's an idea, howabout we stop fucking with brown people? Novel, I know, but guess what? People don't fuck with you for no reason.