Another lighting qquestion.

aoR Monday

Active Member
which would i get a bigger yeild from a t5 4-4ft flour or a 250 hps and mh?
Also what wouldbe the price in electricity differnce?

aoR Monday

Active Member
I have a 400w hps but i dont feel like having a huge electri bill and having to control heat as bad and i have the 300$ t5 i waist my money on for my first failure grow so now im thinking i shold throw my plants under this 250 hps/mh i just bought


Well-Known Member
do seedlings under the T5, then add in the 250 and use the T5 panel for side lighting, then add in the 400 fuck the electricity bill :D

It's not that much extra for a 400watt HPS...yer talking like $20-$40/month to run it at 12/12...sell a 1/2oz and pay your electricity bill usage from the lights :D

aoR Monday

Active Member
yah but im running my lights at 22-2 auto flower grower here. lol price would sky rocket and my plants dont even get very tall anymore after that disast grow in my sig. oh not to mention i have a ton of cfls lol