Another interesting pro-lifer conundrum.

Sending all the men home would be as effective as gun free zones. Only women would be out after all the law abiding men went home, and the rapists would be able to over power everyone on the streets.


reading a Buckpost (tm) is as pointless as reading Huffpo or alex jones rants.

you get only weak opinions, shitty ad hominems and a sad demonstration of the state of the american left's intellect.
I personally think late term abortion is wrong, but ultimately the choice comes down to the parents who it effects. People's obsession of social issues is the height of stupidity. For the most part it seems the groups that want abortion outlawed also want to end government assistance for some of the very children that they want to force the family to have.

Race, abortion, class warfare, welfare, ect are just total distractions that politicians use to try to get votes.

Social issues are the height of stupidity....better pay attention though....its all politics has become. Get ready for "economic equality"....coming soon over and over and over.

I am way curious to hear canna and reds and keynes opinion on an early detected rape case....seriously what if the child is sure to be imbred...still murder?
I understand why u would say that, but really, u have to understand that this is not a issue of the unborn, its A WOMEN issue. You have to u understand that we live in a culture where men dominate women, we live in a culture where sadly rape has become the norm.
once agian i understand why you would say that, i really do, but i have taken a turn in my life by reading femenist literature, im man enough to consider myself a femenist, and im man enough to stop a rape, and to stop people like you from taking a womens right away. If you cant connect the dots between rape culture and reproductive rights, then honestly, i feel bad for all the women in your life because u look at them as creature that u have control over.

And to further my point, why would u debate in a matter in which the majority of people agree upon? What kind of arguement would u propose to all these millions of women? Do u consider yourself a man? If so, man up and respect womens rights

I just wanted to respond to the bold portion. That is ridiculous, and you need something to back it up. I cannot recall the last time anyone I knew or myself considered rape to be a normal practice.
Social issues are the height of stupidity....better pay attention though....its all politics has become. Get ready for "economic equality"....coming soon over and over and over.

I am way curious to hear canna and reds and keynes opinion on an early detected rape case....seriously what if the child is sure to be imbred...still murder?

in the case of rape, serious deformity or if the mother might die from carrying a child, i find abortion repugnant but not an abomination.

abortion as quick and easy no-fault birth control is horrific.

this is my personal opinion though.

i hope i am still permitted to have an opinion under the new regime of bucky bugertime and cheezus, but it's doubtful.

we must all conform or be branded by the left.

diversity is only allowed for opinions they approve of.
I just wanted to respond to the bold portion. That is ridiculous, and you need something to back it up. I cannot recall the last time anyone I knew or myself considered rape to be a normal practice.

maybe this poster is a rapinator.

perhaps in his world rape IS normal, because he is a degenerate pervert.

perhaps he is from any of a variety of east african tribes who believe rape is theraputic.

multiculturalism, as defined by the left indicates that we should accept and understand his beautiful cultural traditions of Rape, Sodomy and Murder.
I just wanted to respond to the bold portion. That is ridiculous, and you need something to back it up. I cannot recall the last time anyone I knew or myself considered rape to be a normal practice.

i think he is saying "rape culture" has become the norm (without defining the term "rape culture"). but i'll let him speak for himself.

if i had to somehow define "rape culture", golda meir's example above shows a perfect example of it. this same repulsive line of thinking makes its way into american conservative thought patterns as well, as in the woman shares blame in the rape.


If you choose to dress like a harlot, you choose to treated like a harlot.

bignbushy also expressed a similar sentiment in desert dude's thread:

just as with the type of anti-black racism that certain people unknowingly espouse when they oppose civil rights, the people who blame rape on the victim (especially when she is a woman) unknowingly espouse anti-woman misogyny to maintain that power dynamic.

this is my lunch counter and you may not sit at it. you are my whore and i can do with you what i want, you want it.

these people vote for senate candidates like ken buck, who also blames the victim.

"buyer's remorse", he says.

the rape culture is still well and alive in right wing conservative thought, sometimes due to stupidity and other times owing to maliciousness.
maybe this poster is a rapinator.

perhaps in his world rape IS normal, because he is a degenerate pervert.

perhaps he is from any of a variety of east african tribes who believe rape is theraputic.

multiculturalism, as defined by the left indicates that we should accept and understand his beautiful cultural traditions of Rape, Sodomy and Murder.

Can you show me this definition of multiculturalism? Because I don't think I know anyone that would fall under a "leftist" category that is okay with rape, female circumcision in it's various forms, or any other harmful cultural traditions.
in the case of rape, serious deformity or if the mother might die from carrying a child, i find abortion repugnant but not an abomination.

abortion as quick and easy no-fault birth control is horrific.

this is my personal opinion though.

i hope i am still permitted to have an opinion under the new regime of bucky bugertime and cheezus, but it's doubtful.

we must all conform or be branded by the left.

diversity is only allowed for opinions they approve of.

stick to controlling your own body, or just let your mom take care of you since you're still living with her.
multiculturalism, as defined by the left indicates that we should accept and understand his beautiful cultural traditions of Rape, Sodomy and Murder.

as i outlined above, the only approval we have heard of rape on this forum has com from very right wing members who are not at all "multicultural", but part of the "european cultural superiority" you talk about which is desperately trying to retain power in any way they can.

unles,, of course, i have missed something and bignbushy and desert dude and red1966 are all examples of multicultural lefties.
Can you show me this definition of multiculturalism? Because I don't think I know anyone that would fall under a "leftist" category that is okay with rape, female circumcision in it's various forms, or any other harmful cultural traditions.

bucky will no doubt explain how multiculturalism is good when it is destructive to the dominant society (in america and europe only) and terrible when it contaminates the purity of sacred foreign cultural norms.

bucky will make it quite clear that anything white, european, christian, american, rural, or southern is evil, and should be eliminated through dilution with the wonderous traditions of sub saharan africa, south america, asia, and the orient.
i think he is saying "rape culture" has become the norm (without defining the term "rape culture"). but i'll let him speak for himself.

if i had to somehow define "rape culture", golda meir's example above shows a perfect example of it. this same repulsive line of thinking makes its way into american conservative thought patterns as well, as in the woman shares blame in the rape.


bignbushy also expressed a similar sentiment in desert dude's thread:

just as with the type of anti-black racism that certain people unknowingly espouse when they oppose civil rights, the people who blame rape on the victim (especially when she is a woman) unknowingly espouse anti-woman misogyny to maintain that power dynamic.

this is my lunch counter and you may not sit at it. you are my whore and i can do with you what i want, you want it.

these people vote for senate candidates like ken buck, who also blames the victim.

"buyer's remorse", he says.

the rape culture is still well and alive in right wing conservative thought, sometimes due to stupidity and other times owing to maliciousness.

If what he meant was this damn "Boy's will be boys." or "Well, look at how short that skirt is." mindset to somehow mitigate rapes, then I wouldn't agree about it being more common than in the past. However, I would definitely agree it is still a common problem. If you hear about a rape, and you somehow feel like telling the victim to wear less revealing clothing is the right idea; you are a genuinely horrible person.
bucky will no doubt explain how multiculturalism is good when it is destructive to the dominant society (in america and europe only) and terrible when it contaminates the purity of sacred foreign cultural norms.

bucky will make it quite clear that anything white, european, christian, american, rural, or southern is evil, and should be eliminated through dilution with the wonderous traditions of sub saharan africa, south america, asia, and the orient.

Can you give an example of this destructive behavior that should be tolerated?
bucky will no doubt explain how multiculturalism is good when it is destructive to the dominant society (in america and europe only) and terrible when it contaminates the purity of sacred foreign cultural norms.

bucky will make it quite clear that anything white, european, christian, american, rural, or southern is evil, and should be eliminated through dilution with the wonderous traditions of sub saharan africa, south america, asia, and the orient.

i predicted you would be talking about purity ealier, just sad to see that you went there before the night was even out.
stick to controlling your own body, or just let your mom take care of you since you're still living with her.

Do you pretend to take care of yourself in tax free treadmill fashion?
You live in Galts gulch yet speak like wesly you have a mother?
Do you pretend to take care of yourself in tax free treadmill fashion?
You live in Galts gulch yet speak like wesly you have a mother?

what part of "tax and regulate the shit out of me" don't you understand?

anytime i get an actual say in actual policy (my measly vote), i scream for taxation and regulation (if and only if criminality status is removed).

i am john galt, i get that. i hate being john galt. i don't even call the cops at harvest time if i notice suspicious activity around the neighborhood. it's shitty to see the neighborhood kids scoping out your neighbor's car and not be able to get them official scrutiny for it. i cleared my throat and they fled, but i'd rather they get in big trouble for their scumbag shit.

you know what i'll do when i get taxed at a higher than usual rate because my profession gets people high instead of selling them a potato or picture frame? i will grow more. boom, problem solved. easy to grow more when the criminality is removed from exceeding your limit.

taxation is finally coming to oregon this april once the dispensary bill takes effect. so you won't be able to complain anymore about that. i read the new law and it is another free for all that allows for actual sale, rather than this retarded donation and a wink crap we have now. i'll probably be in colorado paying higher taxes by then anyway.

so much for that talking point of yours.
Hearing a lot of "fignas" but no "doin its".

Just gonna grow more eh? Bake more pies as it were?

Your Keynesianism let's you bake more pies? Thought it makes some slices bigger and others smaller according to "need".

That talking point is alive and well till you pay up or move to CO and pay up big time.
Hearing a lot of "fignas" but no "doin its".

Just gonna grow more eh? Bake more pies as it were?

Your Keynesianism let's you bake more pies? Thought it makes some slices bigger and others smaller according to "need".

That talking point is alive and well till you pay up or move to CO and pay up big time.

some of the pies are always given away freely according to need, others are charged at a higher rate according to ability.


if you were to take all the pies and bake them at once into one pie, those in "need" would still get smaller slices of the pie than those whose "ability" allowed them bigger slices.

do you really feel the need to dumb this down to pie talk, rather than what you really mean?
some of the pies are always given away freely according to need, others are charged at a higher rate according to ability.


if you were to take all the pies and bake them at once into one pie, those in "need" would still get smaller slices of the pie than those whose "ability" allowed them bigger slices.

do you really feel the need to dumb this down to pie talk, rather than what you really mean?

You agree with Lazarus getting to eat the pie crumbs?