My point is simple. (my errors are from my phone primarily, and as you know I do not spell well). If the "pro-life" faction were actually pro life, they would be concerned over the poisons in the environment that tend highly to endanger the life and health of that very "child" they seek to "save". If they were truely pro life they would at least show some outrage over the poisons that the mother is forced to ingest and thus pass on to her fetus - that thing they profess to be so concerned over.
I said nothing about other "innocent things".
You think that a total of 238 foreign chemicals in a human fetus is just enviro-wacko nonsense do you? They have found benzene in fetal blood of over 1 part per million, DDD, DDT (in children in the upper and lower latitudes), and hundreds of other chemicals. What would a pro-lifer say to a mother who drinks excessively? Smokes tobacco? smokes crack? but not a word about all these other things. If they were as concerned as they claim, they would be fighting to preserve the life and future of the unborn, yet they are not.
So we could show our children what death looks like? Would that be by the lb?
Lots of people with kids have ended the lives of the unborn. This perspective earns no merit with pro lifers, as again, its still murder to us, regardless is you really love the ones you decided to keep.
Think it? I see ample evidence of it, including my initial opening statement on this thread. The obligation a pro-lifer believes he owes to a child ends at birth.
Funny how the sanctity of life does not apply to the death penalty. How many pro-lifers here are anti capital punishment?
They make the presumption that a government they dispise, one that can't possibly do anything right, one that is fraught with indulgence, and populated with fools, in this case is ALWAYS right and that anyone who is convicted by that same inept government must surely be guilty and deserve to be killed.
It is not a huge stretch from aborting the unwanted unborn to ending the lives of the unwanted living. It is simply getting people with this sort of mindset to rationalize the acceptance of a narrower spectrum of what constitutes life.
Will we define life by Gods standards or pagan standards? Mandatory, government healthcare sets the stage for pagan practices.Art Thompson is CEO of The John Birch Society.![]()
So is it actually a person? I mean from the moment of conception, is it a person? and thus, in this country a U.S. citizen?
1. Cite your source for all these poor, poisoned babies. I am skeptical. Frankly, you have a pretty poor track record with issues of science.
2. You seem to be implying that the pro-choice crowd, I am in that crowd, have the moral high ground on the issue of the environment. Total self-absorbed non-sense.
3. You have deluded yourself into believing that because you have a case of the vapors over "poisons in the environment" and "GMO crops cause cancer in lab mice" that everybody else should follow along and join in your superstitions. Wagging your finger at everybody is a poor debating tactic.
Says you, dipshit.You and god can fuck off. God doesn't make morality.
You know, now that I think about it, this whole thread is a complete failure in logic. Actions that are wrong, don't become right just because some other action is also wrong. If we allow that to happen, then all manner of wrongs can be done if we work at making a few wrongs possible for the side effect of others. Sometimes you have to do things. This isn't one of them. The OP is against polluting the world, which I'm against also. But that doesn't justify killing a innocent baby because you can warp it into meaning that it's wrong to allow a baby to live in a polluted world.
This kind of logic will create a mindset that its ok to pollute just enough to allow abortions, if you are so very much pro-death, you'll justify going against your morals.
Which is exactly what happens with religion, and why I hate it. "Well, gays and heathens aren't really bothering me, but I don't want to go to hell, so fuck them!" .... "Well, I don't really have an opinion of abortion one way or the other, but if I can pollute more and it keeps abortion around, show me the money!"
You know, now that I think about it, this whole thread is a complete failure in logic. Actions that are wrong, don't become right just because some other action is also wrong. If we allow that to happen, then all manner of wrongs can be done if we work at making a few wrongs possible for the side effect of others. Sometimes you have to do things. This isn't one of them. The OP is against polluting the world, which I'm against also. But that doesn't justify killing a innocent baby because you can warp it into meaning that it's wrong to allow a baby to live in a polluted world.
This kind of logic will create a mindset that its ok to pollute just enough to allow abortions, if you are so very much pro-death, you'll justify going against your morals.
Which is exactly what happens with religion, and why I hate it. "Well, gays and heathens aren't really bothering me, but I don't want to go to hell, so fuck them!" .... "Well, I don't really have an opinion of abortion one way or the other, but if I can pollute more and it keeps abortion around, show me the money!"
Easy enough to demonstrate. Enforce birth at every occasion but cut out all programs that prop up poor moms. I don't know how much clearer it can be.
the book I read from does say that certain things are sins, it also says that all sins are on the level and no where does it give me authority to judge. So if I looked at my neighbor's wife's ass, that would be the same level of sin as two dudes fucking...
How would that not promote responsibility?
Iirc germans have beer vending machines....but very tough dui penalties.
Most are jaded against those programs because of the idolized abuse of them....there is a growing cultural trend towards this.
Ever hear a 13 year old girl when asked "why didn't you do your homework?"
Respond "I don't have to do anything you say all I have to do is get pregnant"?
imagine that, the dumb racist is also a bigoted bible thumper. never would have seen that one coming!