Another ,How long You think?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

well I've been growing a while and of the 3 northern lights the smallest one seems to be nearly done... well I think so..

so I would like to hear what you think? How much longer,, I would say its just about done, I leached the soil twice over the last 4 days,,its actually abit of a heat wave here so it hasn't resulted in soggy soil or high humidity.

So each time I look I think maybe done,, then gain maybe nute again for a week ....or just to flush for the next week then focus on the other two..




Active Member
when in doubt flush it out. Yo those are nice i have a sea of green church from Green house seeds they are worth it. delete1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice chis. I will note that saying..

Thats a nice little ocean you got there, and i see the clones i presume to the side?
anyhow thanks again and take it easy..


Well-Known Member
let them go another 6 or 7 days and see if you notice any changes like some of those white pisitls should recede and turn a brownish color.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all, so maybe wait, thing is I have another two larger better looking plants so was kinda think harvest in a week and let the other two get my (and my lights) full attention.

Thanks again and take it easy...