Another hightimes top 10 for Subcool


Active Member
I just wanted to say a congrats to Subcool with another hightimes top 10 strain of the year. I just recieved the new Hightimes mag with the top 10 strains of the year and our very own Subcool has another amazing strain of his make the list. This years strain to make the list is the Qrazy Train. For those that dont know what this is its the Blood wreck (trinityxtrainwreck) X querkle (purple urklexspace queen).
Ive been checking this strain out since I became a TGA addict i havent ordered it yet but it will most def be on the list next time I love the Blood wreck crosses I have chernobyl and the Timewreck going on right now. Im not usually big on lists as with most lists that are compiled are usually bullshit and non factual based on opinion rather than fact. This i do know is that i didnt need Hightimes to tell me that another one of Subcools strains is a top 10. Cause im sure that a number of the TGA strains could make the list year after year. Oh wait i guess they do.
But anyway congrats Subcool on adding another Hightimes Top 10 to your resume.

So anyone on here wanna throw up some of your pics of your qrazy trains as a celebration type of thing letting Subcool know that we appreciate what he does. So come on Weed Nerds and Green Avengers lets see some Qrazy Train pix.

Come on Seriously people post a pic or two dont make me look like a bozo making this thread and no one posts a pic cause i dont have any Qrazy Train pics to post or i would.


Well-Known Member
Wow, gorgeous colas! And congrats to Subcool!

I've just started catching up on old episodes of Weed Nerd...what a great way to start the day, yeah????


Active Member
Hey nugbuckets here the cover. I dont know why i got it so early usually its the middle of the month. My last subscription ran out after i got the last months then i sent my money in for another year and like a week later i got that this one in the mail. And nug buckets is that the same cut of the qrazy train if so which did you like better the outdoor or the indoor? Its funny that they put the Girlscout cookies next to subcool. I wud post the list of top 10 but then you wouldnt have to go out and get the mag.



Well-Known Member
Congrats subcool... and to think this strain is not even on a lot of nerds' radars at the moment... will we see this strain get a new popularity? we'll see :)

Me, I'm on the Timewreck and Chernobyl trains for the next few months, so I won't be getting to this one for a while. :)


Active Member
Not to say qrazy train isn't fire, bc I'm sure it is. I just cracked a few Chernobyl myself, but moby dick auto n some bullshit greenhouse strain also got a top 10 spot. N those r just the 2 I remember off the top of my head. My point being is that list is useless. On a better note those r beautiful pics u guys got there


Active Member
My cheese quake was straight fire but it's been phased out along w.sensi star n shark shock. Replaced them were bio-diesel, tres sister, Chernobyl, dairy queen, n free kush(freebie from sannies). My cq was a good hybrid of both, once in a while wld get it to throw some purp, ESP the cpl that were outside.