Another Hidden Closet DWC 600w HPS


Active Member
Sorry guys i've been on a bit of a vacation.

The girls are doing great.
Some updates tho, i dropped the light on the back one, so i took some cuttings. it was a little late into the flowering stage for me to be comfortable but 2/3 rooted and are doing great. I honestly didnt expect the big top to take root.
On the bright side I like the phenos of that one and i now have clones to keep as mothers since they have to be under 24 hour light anyway.

I also got a lasko blower fan which is exactly like a stanly from my local wally world. right now im using it to move the air in the closet around. its keeping the temps way down, i thought i needed more exhaust but i what i discovered was i just needed more circulation. the area above my lights was cooler than just below it.
