another hermie question

first time grower and ive got a question about one of my plants. it showed it was female then i started seeing little balls but not always in clumps this is pics from a clipping i took. hermie?



its a hermie cause this is what the top of the plant looks like.




like i said, the bottom looks male and the top looks female

oh and i misted the plants a few minutes before i took that pic


Active Member
Stress sometime during the grow-either in veg. or flowering time can cause has happened to some of mine but not as bad-usually a few near the bottom shaded area after the top is nearly complete so I don't worry about it. Yours is not very far into flowering though and those are big balls- i would chop it right away in case it pollinates any other females you have nearby, or if it is your one plant see what happens. It doesn't seem good though and probably won't yield much. Maybe bad seed genetics too???:weed: